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Contra Costa County, CA | November 5, 2002 Election |
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NeighborhoodsBy Bill Gram-ReeferCandidate for Member, City Council; City of Concord |
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Day Labor Loitering on MonunmentYou know it would not last ten minutes if day laborers looking for work were loitering around the entrance to Crystal Ranch or urinating on the lawns of properties on St Francis Drive across from Concord Community Park on Cowell. So why do we let this go on in poor neighborhoods like the Monument Corridor? Concord should not tolerate behavior that puts any neighborhood or business at risk like this, no matter what side of the tracks they live on. It's not fair and it's not right. Concord can ill afford to put just some "families first." Ed Nienow and the Monument Corridor Task Force have made great progress in developing the Day Labor Center. And that project needs more support now, especially to add additional services that might bring laborers in off the street. |
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