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Political Philosophy for W. D. "Bill" Landis
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Expansion of the Los Vaqueros Reservoir
The Contra Costa Water District is in discussions with State and Federal agencies to increase the size of Los Vaqueros Reservoir. The impacts on us, our District and our Delta water source are tremendous. We must elect a Board who will fight for the best deal for the ratepayers of the District.
The voters of CCWD took a bold step by approving bonds to finance the building of Los Vaqueros fourteen years ago. The project was huge and costly. Now, it will take leadership from the Board to ensure that CCWD's ratepayers are compensated for the investment already made. There must be no free ride, like San Jose got on BART.
We supported the Los Vaqueros reservoir to improve water quality. The plan was to store water from the Delta at times when quality and quantities were high. Then when salt intrusions are a problem, water from the reservoir would be blended with the Delta water to improve what comes out of the tap. I want to make absolutely sure that our water quality will not suffer as a result of enlarging the reservoir and sharing its water. This is critical.
Most importantly, any Los Vaqueros proposal must be put to a vote. You, the voters, must get a full review. Not just a public relations dog and pony show. I will look out for the ratepayers in this process. I want to keep the lines of communication open with ratepayers so you know what is going on.
The Delta is a very fragile part of our environment. I will work to protect the Delta from greedy water interests and carefully consider future environmental changes that may negatively impact this ecosystem. As a member of the Board of CCWD I will be vigilant in my efforts to safeguard our Delta.
I am a retired Deputy Sheriff and I serve as a Director for the Retired Peace Officers Association. Positions that demand leadership. As a former Mayor and City Councilmember of Pleasant Hill I have valuable experience in local government. I want to serve the ratepayers and keep their interests first on the agenda when considering expanding Los Vaqueros Reservoir. Bill Landis Candidate for CCWD Board of Directors, Division 2 |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 4, 2002 14:41
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