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Contra Costa County, CA | November 5, 2002 Election |
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My CommitmentBy Nancy PetsuchCandidate for Board Member; San Ramon Valley Unified School District |
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For the past 20 years I have been committed to the San Ramon Valley and the quality of its schools. In order to fulfill our obligation to assure a high quality education for every child, we must all work to promote active community involvement, high standards and clear accountability. Together, our community has created excellent schools. With our continued, focused effort, we can do even better. My successful management experience in both the public and private sectors provides me a broad and realistic perspective to solving the challenges ahead. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT •Develop annual curriculum objectives with community and school involvement •Establish periodic performance reports to the community •Work to continue a strong curriculum quality assurance program FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY •Proactive monitoring of bond measures •Implement budget objectives with outcomes reported to the community •Implement a long term plan for maintaining our facilities and accommodating growth TECHNOLOGY •Use existing software to allow parent to communication with teachers via the internet regarding attendance, homework assignments, and grades •Monitor and review the district's current long term technology plan to make optimal use of the resources |
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