Registrar of Voters: Michele Mac Intyre
Phone: (530) 621-7480
Fax: 530-626-5514
Election Department Address:
2850 Fairlane Court
Placerville, CA 95667-8001
See an example of a ballot, or enter "2720 Little Oak Lane 95672" above.

You must have registered before October 21
to vote on November 5.
Call (530) 621-7480 for more information.
Download a registration form
- Available in "English"<http://www.ss.ca.gov/executive/
pdf/eng_vote.pdf> and "Spanish"<http://www.ss.ca.gov/
(From the Secretary of State)
Fill out the Online Registration Form from the Secretary of State.
See Voter Registration in California from the League of Women Voters.
NEW! How to Vote using your county's voting system (from VoteAmerica)
The League Of Women Voters Of El Dorado County
invites you to attend a series of Candidate Forums at
Townhall (549 Main St.) in Placerville. These forums
offer candidates an equal opportunity to describe their
qualifications and positions in a non-partisan and
impartial question-and-answer format. Audience
members will have the chance to submit written
questions about relevant background factors and
issues. The general goal of our forums is to increase
voters' knowledge of candidates and therefore feel
more informed when voting in the November 5, 2002
9/30/02 - Judicial Office 1 @ 6 PM
9/30/02 - District Attorney @ 7:30 PM
10/3/02 - Judicial Office 5 @ 7:30 PM (co-sponsored by AAUW)
10/10/02 - Judicial Office 6 @ 6 PM (co-sponsored by AAUW)
10/10/02 - El Dorado County Supervisor District 4 @ 7:30
PM (co-sponsored by AAUW)
Cable Channel 14 will broadcast our forums live.
Rebroadcast times will be printed in the Mt. Democrat
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 7 PM the El Dorado Hills Telegraph is sponsoring a Forum for the Candidates for the El Dorado Hills Community Service District. It will be held at the Community Service District Pavilion at 1021 Harvard Way. The El Dorado County League of Women Voters will be moderating.
The Candidate Forums held at Placerville Town Hall, sponsored by the League of Women Voters of El Dorado County will be rebroadcast on Channel 7 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons for two weeks as follows:
Monday, 10/21/02 - Judicial Office 1 Mary Muse & Doug. Phimister 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Monday, 10/21/02 - District Attorney Gary Lacy & Erik Schlueter 2:00 to 3:30 PM
Wednesday, 10/23/01 - Judicial Office 5 Sean O'Brien & Daniel Proud 12:00 to 1:30 PM
Wednesday, 10/23/02 - Judicial Office 6 David Becker & James Wagoner 1:30 to 2:45 PM
Friday, 10/25/02 - Supervisors, Dist. 4 Penny Humphreys & Charlie Paine 1:00 to 2:15 PM
This schedule will be repeated the following week on Mon., Oct.28, Wed. Oct. 30, and Fri. Nov. 1.
They will also be rebroadcast on Ch. 14 on Sunday, Oct. 27 beginning at 4 PM. The schedule:
Judicial Office 1 - 4 to 5 PM
District Attorney - 5 to 6:30 PM
Judicial Office 5 - 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Judicial Office 6 - 8:00 to 9:15 PM
Supervisors - 9:15 to 10:30 PM
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Last generated: December 6, 2002 12:34 PST
Smart VoterTM <http://www.smartvoter.org/>
Smart Voter System Design by C. Hage Associates.
Copyright ©
League of Women Voters of California Educaton Fund http://ca.lwv.org
The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political parties.