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Measure J Bond Measure Tahoe-Truckee Unified School District 55% Approval Required 164 / 62.8% Yes votes ...... 97 / 37.1% No votes
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Nov 15 4:45pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (2/2) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
To improve North Tahoe High and Middle Schools by replacing, constructing, upgrading, and equipping classrooms, library, technology center, aging water system, improving campus safety and security, qualifying for any available State matching funds, shall School Facilities Improvement District No. 2 of the Tahoe-Truckee Unified School District issue $30,450,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, appoint a Citizens Oversight Committee to perform annual financial audits to ensure that bond funds are spent for the designated projects and for the benefit of students and the community?
TAHOE TRUCKEE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND MEASURE J This measure, if approved by fifty-five percent of the voters voting thereon, would authorize the sale of general obligation bonds of the Tahoe-Truckee Unified School District's School Facilities Improvement District No. 2, ("DISTRICT") for $30,450,000.00. The District Board of Trustees ("Board") has determined, and has declared in Resolution No. 39-01/02, that there is a need to make improvements to North Tahoe High School and Middle School by replacing, constructing, upgrading, and equipping classrooms, library, technology center, aging water system, improving campus safety and security, and qualify for any available State matching funds. In accordance with the Smaller Classes, Safe Schools and Financial Accountability Act ("Proposition 39"), and related implementing legislation, the Board has determined and resolved the following: to only use the bond proceeds for the purposes set forth in the ballot measure, and not for any other purpose, including teacher or administrator salaries or other operating expense. that it has evaluated the safety, class size reduction and information technology needs of the District prior to determining that a bond issuance is necessary, to have an annual independent performance audit to ensure that the bond proceeds are expended for the school projects stated in the ballot measure, to have an annual, independent financial audit of the expenditure of the bond proceeds until all bond proceeds have been expended, to create a Citizen's Oversight Committee in compliance with Education Code § 15278 no later than immediately following a successful bond election, that the tax levy authorized to secure the bonds of this election shall not exceed $60 per $100,000 of taxable property in the District. The bonds proposed to be issued and sold would bear interest at a rate not exceeding the statutory limit per annum. The maturity of any bonds issued shall not exceed twenty-five (25) years. Principal and interest on the bonds would be paid by revenue derived from an annual tax levied upon the taxable property within the District. The Tax Rate Statement of the District, which follows this analysis, presents the District's best estimates of the property tax rates required to be levied to pay debt service on the bonds. The estimates are based on certain assumptions described in the Statement.
A "YES" vote is a vote to authorize the issuance and sale up to $30,450,000 of general obligation bonds to be repaid through a property tax based upon the assessed value of the property and the improvements thereon.
A "NO" vote is a vote not to authorize the issuance and sale of the bonds. s/ Anthony J. La Bouff, County Counsel
Arguments For Measure J |
The main classroom buildings at the North Tahoe High School/Middle School complex are inadequate for the needs of our students. Problems include poor heating and ventilation systems, windowless classrooms and twisting hallways that make the campus impossible to lock down or evacuate quickly in case of an emergency. These adverse conditions do not contribute to a positive learning environment for students. The California Office of Public School Construction has recommended that instead of placing a "band-aid" on them, the classroom buildings should be replaced. Measure J funds, combined with monies remaining from a previous bond, will allow us to replace the classroom buildings at the school complex. Passage of Measure J will make the site eligible for an additional $7 million in state funds. Combined monies will be used to: modernize and enlarge the library and technology center; build larger classrooms that meet current fire and safety codes; build new, up-to-date science labs; renovate and expand the Performing Arts Center for student and community performances; and replace the aging water system serving the complex. Measure J funds will only be spent to improve the North Tahoe High School/ Middle School complex. By law, bond funds cannot be spent on salaries or administrators. Measure J also contains strict provisions for accountability. An Independent Citizen's Oversight Committee will monitor all Measure J funds. The cost is reasonable. Passage of Measure J will cost property owners an annual average of $39 per $100,000 of assessed (not market) value. This cost includes all property owners, including those who own second homes in the school district. Join us in voting Yes on Measure J to create a permanent solution for our North Tahoe High School/Middle School students and the community. s/ Terry Yagura, Director, Arts for the Schools s/ Dave Ferrari, Business Owner s/ W.G.C. Parson, Owner, Granlibakken s/ Robert J. McClintock, CPA s/ Russell E. Potts, Deputy Sheriff
(No arguments against Measure J were submitted) |