This information is provided by the candidate
My top priorities as Supervisor are promoting responsible economic development to provide good living wage jobs, improving law enforcement, and protecting our quality of life.
As I walk throughout the District, voters tell me that they are deeply concerned about jobs. I want to bring jobs to Humboldt County so you, your children and your grandchildren can stay her. I have twenty years of experience in economic development as a member of the Redwood Region Economic Development Commission. The representatives from this countywide agency selected me for a leadership position which I held for nineteen years. During that time we brought over 600 new jobs to Humboldt County. There are a number of economic development tools that the County can use to help businesses grow. I support county redevelopment zones that will provide funding to assist businesses and also provide funds for housing rehabilitation. One of my ideas that is now being considered in the plan for the Headwaters funds is to provide a venture capital fund to help start new businesses and expand existing businesses. I also believe we can reduce the expenses to businesses by streamlining the planning approval process.
The second great concern I hear from voters is law enforcement. I want to improve public safety so that when you need help, you can get an immediate response. I helped develop the law enforcement facility in McKinleyville and will continue to give law enforcement the highest priority for funding. Because of my support for law enforcement and my record of accomplishment, Sheriff Gary Philp and the Humboldt Deputy Sheriff's Organization have both endorsed my candidacy.
My wife, Wendy Wahlund, and I have four children and six grandchildren. Our families have been in Humboldt County for generations. We inherited from our parents and grandparents a county that provides one of America's best places to live. I'll to work for responsible economic development and job growth that preserves this quality of life so we can pass it on to our children and their children.
Voters often tell me that they hear pretty much the same thing from every candidate. They say they want to hear what I've accomplished so they can determine what I may be able to do for the District if I'm elected. I have a history of working with the community to bring people together to solve common problems. I also have a history of being able to make difficult decisions and balance the diverse needs of the community.
During my first years on the McKinleyville Community Services District, we frequently heard the community ask for recreation facilities and programs. Undertaking this major program took years of work and developing the support of the community as a whole. Working with others in the community we launched two successful ballot measures in support of recreation and an aggressive funding program to prevent the transfer of taxes to the state which would have severely reduced funds for recreation facilities. During a time when most other entities were reducing programs, we developed what is recognized as one of the finest recreation facilities for a community the size of McKinleyville.
When the community came forward and asked for a new library, I led the program that built the library in McKinleyville. This was very important to me because I was a teacher and I believe libraries are a vital educational resource for families.
I will bring decades of public service experience, a balanced philosophy, and a record of accomplishment to the job of Fifth District Supervisor. I ask for your vote on November 5.