This information is provided by the candidate
Congressmen Ed Royce & Gary Miller; Senators Dick Ackerman & Bob Margett; Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher; Mayor Marty Simonoff; Mayor Pro Tem Bev Perry; Brea Police Association; Planning Commissioners Ralph Heimann and Tom Prenovost; Parks, Recreation & Human Services Commissioners Lisa Cabraloff, Pat Fox; Cultural Art Commissioner Kris St. Clair; Former Mayors Don Fox, Glenn Parker; Former Park Commissioner Claire Scholtterbeck; Pastor David Rader; Reverend Loren Wood; Retire Police Chief Bill Lentini; School Board members Joe Rollino, Susie Sokol; Former Planner Commissioner Dick Creagh; Mary Jo Parker; Gill Realon; Stacie Rader; Lynn Smith; Michael Cabraloff; Cathleen Heiman; Dr. Eric Peirra; Bill Hall; Don Daucher; Phil Anton; Dr. Mark Piekarski; Herc Roeser; Corinne Rollino; John Giles; Bob Purdue; Jack Gregg; John Braun; Margaret Giles; Donna La Munyon; Mary Gregg; Steve Rolland; Kevin Bush; Charla Hall; Melanie Schlotterbeck; Jeannine Bush; Joan Rolland; David Engwall; Anita Braun; Perry Hall; Bill Hagen; Charles Clough; Jim Kimball; Greg Terrones; Mary Engwall; Jim Sokol; Joy Perr; Nancy Clough; Rhonda Miller; Robin Pierra; Annabel Purdue; Julie Killian; Russ Bartling; Lori Terrones, Janice Firth. (Patial list; titles are for identification).
I am one of only two candidates to have the endorsements and full confidence of both the Brea Police Association (BPA) and Firefighters Association. Dave Jones, President of the BPA expressed their "enthusiastic support" this way: "The citizens of Brea could not make a better choice than to elect you to the Council. Your actions as Councilman have directly and positively affected this community." Dan Gibson, President of the Firefighters Association stated: "We look forward to working with you in the future and wish you victory in November."