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Aubry L. Stone, a native of Brooklyn, New York has lived, worked and actively engaged in community and public service in Sacramento, California for the past 20 years
Mr. Stone is currently the President/CEO of the California Black Chamber of Commerce. He has aggressively led the organization in such public policy issues as: Prop 187, co-authored the 9th circuit injunction against implementation of Prop 209, publicly advocated against Brownfields, the urban environment, insurance redlining the inner city impact of bank acquisitions/mergers and leads the charge of new and emerging markets. He is currently engaged in the highly charged issue of campaign finance reform and has assumed the leadership role of the Los Angeles Inner City Economic Initiative, with the single objective of creating wealth through small business growth and development. He currently sits on Greenlining Institute/Pacific Gas and Electric Company's 21st Century Leadership Partnership Board.
Mr. Stone has served on the boards of the NAACP, Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce, Sacramento Metro Chamber, Cal Trans Small Business Roundtable, the Mayor's Economic Development Council, Channel 10 Community Service Committee, and the District Attorney's Community Relations Board. He has also just been appointed by the governor to the Capitol Area Development Authority Board of Directors. As a very dynamic speaker, he has lectured on Economic Development issues at Sacramento State University, University of California, Davis and University of the Pacific.