This information is provided by the candidate
For the past 20 years I have lived in Milpitas and worked for most of the Fortune 500 companies in the area. As a Materials and Production Control Manager I had managed many automation projects and governmental applications that resulted in billions of dollars in revenue for these companies.
As a Network Engineer for the past 12 years, I have designed many high security systems for many companies in the bay area. Currently, I am working for Apple Computer as a Systems Engineer over seeing many of their systems.
My experience has placed me in many high level decision making roles where I have had to manage very large projects with limited budgets and very tight time constraints. I have always brought my projects in on time and under budget, thus increasing the companies market share and Time-to-Market ability and profitability.
I believe that the key to project management is planning. You must work very closely with all of your suppliers and contractors. The better you plan and know what you are building, the less it will cost and the faster you can build it.
As a parent of five children and having been married for 25 years to my lovely wife, Debra. I know what commitment is. Our children have all grown up and gone through, or are still going through Milpitas schools. My oldest daughter is a sophomore at San Jose State College.
We pay a high rate of tax and mortgage to live in this city because we appreciate what Milpitas has to offer. Its location, opportunities, love for the arts, commitment to education, and overall quality of life is excellent. I want to see Milpitas re-prioritize its spending, manage its assets and revenues better and re-commit itself to the betterment of all of its citizenry. There is much that can be done to put Milpitas on the map as an innovative all american city and I intend to push it forward with your help.
Thank you.