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Political Philosophy for Anthony J. Gier
Candidate for |
1. Academic Success: Simply put, my goal is to have all students become higher academic achievers. I want many more students to be reading at least at grade level and to perform much better at math. This can best be accomplished by making more time during the school day set aside for reading and mathematics, and to have a reward system for students that are putting forth extra effort. Also, I think curriculum needs to be selected very carefully with input from parents, teachers and board members. 2. A fair yet strict discipline policy. Being a teacher, I have seen and have heard from other teachers how some students continuously disrupt a class and are allowed to stay in the classroom because the school administration continously says to give the student "another chance". This not only shows the other students that this kind of behavior is acceptable, but it also creates a very disruptive learning environment for the other students. I believe if a student can't behave appropriately after a couple of negative situations than he or she needs to be sent out of that particular class permanently. I believe consequences need to be clearly displayed and enforced so that students know what is expected of them. On the flip side I think good behavior needs to be rewarded. 3. Fiscal and non-fiscal efficiency. The district should be run in an as efficienct manner as possible, both fiscally and non-fiscally. All issues that are before the board need to be weighed very carefully to make sure the correct decision is being made. The best way to weigh the issues carefully is to have input from all community members. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 30, 2002 09:50
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