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Tribune endorsement (September 15, 2002): "He sees the future of Paso Robles as striking a balance between the city's ambient character and economy. And, of all the candidates in the field, Heggarty seems to understand the dynamics of the affordable housing issue; he believes in private sector solutions to public problems; give incentives to developers and they will build low-income housing. Heggarty would like a city population cap of 35,000 residents, but agrees with the Planning Commission's decision to study the impact of 47,000 residents in the next 20 years. He says by studying the higher number--even if the city decides on the 35,000 figure--impacts to the city will be more closely crutinized. Heggarty is a generalist who crunches details; he's smart, has common sense and speaks bluntly and in layman's terms. He does his homework."