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Official Statement for Julie A. Lancelle
Candidate for |
JULIE LANCELLE Occupation: School Trustee/parent Education and Qualifications: My name is Julie Lancelle. My husband and I have lived in Pacifica for sixteen years, and are raising two children in this magnificent community. I was elected to the City Council in 1992. During my term, I supported the Rockaway Beach Redevelopment project, which has been referenced as a model for future development. This project is a successful example of well-designed, sustainable development that fits the community in scale, look, and density. I supported the local builders who produced this project, and I will continue to support well-designed projects in the future. I believe Pacifica has achieved a good balance between development and open space preservation, which has resulted in Pacifica's recent recognition as a highly desirable place to live. As a Pacifica Land Trust board member, I was project coordinator for the effort to preserve Mori Point. This magnificent area is one of the defining open spaces that gives Pacifica its sense of place and balance. I am currently a member of the Laguna Salada School Board. I serve with Dr. Michelle Garside, and have experienced first-hand what a powerful tool strategic planning can be in public administration. I believe the City of Pacifica could benefit by adopting many of these organizing principles. Many people in Pacifica feel that our city is at a turning point, and about to come of age as a confident, forward looking, high-quality community. A crucial component of Pacifica's bright future is good political leadership. Recently, we have witnessed a string of blunders, bad calls, and a pattern of putting personal agendas above the City's best interests by some City Council members. These include a disastrous handling of the Sanchez Art Center conflict, the stalled development of the former sewage treatment site, and the passing of the certification of the EIR for the flawed Trammell Crowe Quarry project without Planning Commission approval. The Quarry debate comes at a critical time for Pacifica. This vitally important site can be a central part of the new Pacifica, with good planning, design, and enough City control to ensure a sustainable and environmentally responsible project. I have met with the Suisun City Manager and principals of the renowned urban planning design firm that gave that community what it needed and wanted: a City Center, an identity, and a future. We can do the same for Pacifica. Please vote for me at this important time. /s/ Julie Lancelle |