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Los Angeles County, CA | November 5, 2002 Election |
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Schools ,the number one priorityBy Vincent F. "Vince" HouseCandidate for State Senator; District 24 |
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California, Once first in the nation,nowranks next to last in scholastic achievmant. Californiaa Department of Eduacation has failed to provide a quality education for our Children.The California education system has failed to educate our children. Once first in the nation in scholastic achievement, California now ranks second to last. It is an outrage when students are granted high school diplomas that can not read nor write or spell as well as a student in the seventh grade circa 1950. Our technology that can send men to mars and messages around the world via satellite, cannot produce a quality education of our children. Is it a coincidence that the declining scholastic achievement, of our schools is directly proportional to the growth of the California Department of Education and the transfer of control away from local elected school boards. It is time to boot out the bureaucrats in Sacramento and return the control of our schools to elected local school boards. Proposition 47, The Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2002, on this November ballot, ask for a bond issue to construct 46,000 new classrooms over the next ten years. Notwithstanding the fact that new school construction is mostly funded by new home construction fees. The bonds will also be used to repair existing schools, and to reduce the number of students per class. The current average is 30 students per class. I attended Catholic schools in the 1950's. It was not uncommon to have 60 students in a class. One Nun to teach 60 kids. There were no disruptions, or misbehavior. The school and classroom were operated under strict discipline. A passing grade was earned, not granted. If you did not tow the mark you failed, There was none of the present day sociological pandering ensuring all students to be equally "dumb" thus lowering the standard to the lowest class level. We were required to do our best, overcome our handicaps and to best our peers. We were rewarded for achievement and held accountable for our failures. We did learn. Today we have "fuzzy math" where 2+4 equals 7. Yes, Johnny you pass because you tried. We have enlightened reading writing programs wherein it is OK to write words as they sound, not as they are correctly spelled. The assumption being, that later on the student can learn correct spelling. Learn it wrong and you will always know it wrong. I see the result when applicants for jobs cannot spell, nor even write a short resume of their qualifications. Education is the key to the survival of mankind. Our schools fail to turn out graduates that are prepared to enter the non professional work force. 75% of our work force are non professional, skilled labor. Yet over the last 25 year's machine, woodworking, automotive, and construction shop training has been removed from our High Schools. Not everyone can or needs to attend college. Other countries recognize the need and prepare their non college students to enter the main stream work force. We must reevaluate our methods of education. Californians deserve better. Our children deserve a quality education Our state controlled schools have become the target of the labor unions and special interest groups. The labor unions are asking to have input into the selection of textbooks and to establish a curriculum. The special interest groups are introducing changes to the Education code to implement their agenda. The homosexual agenda is already full swing in our schools fro kindergarten on. Students are being taught that the morals and ethics of their parents are incorrect and they are being forced to accept anti family and anti religious doctrines as the truth. They have even caused legislation that prohibits interaction or interference of parents into certain school programs. Why do we need to build 46,000 new school rooms over the next ten years? Where are the students coming from? Every year it is estimated that approximately 1.2 million immigrants enter California. Nine hundred thousand (900,000) are illegal aliens from many countries. Let us assume that within a short time they will produce children of school age. This means that approximately 300,000 New students per year will flood our schools. This will require 10,000 new classrooms per year. Prop 47 will just keep up with the influx of illegal aliens into California. California cannot afford this massive drain on our economy. Immigration must be controlled and the massive influx of illegal aliens into our state stopped. Uncontrolled immigration is bankrupting our state. When elected as your State Senator, I will endeavor to reverse the declining scholastic achievement and to eliminate the socialistic and influence of the special interest groups especially the Gay and Lesbian group. I will seek to reduce the power or eliminate the State Board of Education and return the control of our schools to local elected school boards believe that students should be able to choose the school they wish to attend and support the voucher system that can be used at any school both public and private. Voucher will result in schools competing for students by upgrading the education they offer. Most of all I believe in people. Given the chance, free from bureaucratic mandates and control, will through local school boards provide California students with a quality education. The present system has failed. It should be retired. You can make a difference. Vote for change. Vote for Vince House November 6,2002 please see for more informationo. |
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