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Los Angeles County, CA | November 5, 2002 Election |
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EDUCATIONBy Herb PetersCandidate for United States Representative; District 37 |
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Improve your childs education by home schooling your child. They get a better education and in a safer place - home. YOU CAN START WHEN YOU CHOOSE, NO WAITING FOR GOVERNMENT ACTION!EDUCATION AND THE FAMILY The family is key to education! · Give your children a better education! · A study shows that the average home schooled eight grader is four years ahead of other average eight graders. · $600 or less cost per student per year for over 70% of home schooled children! · Start today, the action is yours to take, NO government action to wait for. · The family is the building block of nations! · And, the home schooling family saves the government about $6000 per student per year! Parental time with their children is the real education issue. We must reduce the cost of living so that we can have more one breadwinner, one homemaker families. · The one breadwinner - One home maker - married couple family is the ideal family for raising and educating children. The parents can school their children in a safe environment - their home. · EXTINCT: More & more families are becoming two breadwinner families - driven by the high cost of living. How can a family home school - if both the mom and the dad are away from home all day? · Want to help families, and help education - reduce the high cost of living! · Excessive cost of living is direct result of excessive government. · To improve Education we must reduce the cost of government! · Education is hurt by increasing government spending for education! · Dr. James Dobson (Paraphrase) "Parents, if at all possible, please take your children out of California's government run schools." (Focus on the Family, from broadcast of March 28, 2002.) ·It's a Biblical Command - Parents should teach their children! And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Deuteronomy 6:7 ·TAX CREDITS Home schooling parents and private schooling parents save the government $6000 per student per year. I will work to get them a $600 - no strings - tax credit. SAFETY NET For those who need help, either to live or to educate, Churches & private charities are available. These charitable organizations have proven their ability to help people in need. · Today, two national polls show that 1/4 of the U.S. population (50 million) favor ending tax financing of schools and compulsory attendance. · Another 50 million agree with the proviso that poor children get enough voluntary scholarships to go to better schools than today. WHY EXPERIMENT WHEN YOU HAVE A SYSTEM KNOWN TO WORK Education History · LET'S GET BACK ON A TRACK THAT IS PROVEN TO WORK. For more than three full lifetimes -- the 220 years from the 1620s to the 1840s -- most American schooling was independent of government control, subsidy, and influence. From this educational freedom the American Republic was born. · In those days, America was "the most commonly schooled " nation in the world, GOVERNMENT EDUCATION PAIN · After 150 years of tax-financed schooling, we see more and more children failing to grow into responsible, caring, competent adults. · The pain of teaching our kids in our government run schools that life came about by evolution, · The pain of the fact that our students are falling behind many other nations in learning, · The pregnancy rate for 12 to 15 year olds, while close to the 1972 level is too high. (In my high school days pregnancies of high school age girls was rare.) · They teach secular humanism, and · They do not teach that there is a God. They cannot, we have separation of church & state. This is the best reason to separate your child from the state education. You # the parent - can start home schooling when you choose. GOVERNMENT RUN EDUCATION · In 1983 we were warned about a rising tide of mediocrity in our schools, ("Readers Digest, September 2001, page 99"); · We have had summits to address the problem and things keep getting worse, (ibid); · Our USA 12th graders, in Science & Math, test below 20 other nations; · More money no answer. Kansas City, two Billion spent to improve schools, teacher salaries more than doubled. After 15 years, student performance was so low that the Kansas City School District was stripped of its accreditation, (the Washington Times, December 9, 1999); · Pupil-teacher ratios have been shrinking for a century, it has substantiated that we can and do have declining pupil-teacher ratios together with declining test scores, (the Washington Post, May 4, 2000); · LAUSD test scores are in the bottom fifth of our nation, (Daily Breeze, October 30, 2001"); · LAUSD drop out rate is 20% (Daily Breeze, October 30, 2001"); |
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