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Political Philosophy for Arnold D. Engel
Candidate for |
Being a representative is supposed to be about representing the people who elected you. What we have, in Columbus, is a whole bunch of politicians who are busy representing the Big Money Special Interest Groups that put them in office. I'm talking about the Insurance Co., HMO's, Drug Co. & big businesses in general. Because of this, the bills that are important to the people of this state are finding themselves stuck in committee. One of my goals, when elected, will be to move these bills out of committee and put you the people first. Now lets talk about the bills. BILLS HB290-SB127 This bill is modeled after a similar law in Maine and is designed to reduce RX drug prices, in the State of Ohio, by as much as 50%. This bill is in the Health and Family Services Committee. SB63 This bill is designed to freeze Seniors property taxes. every senior will be eligible and it means you taxes will never go up as long as you live in your home. DeRolphs This is an 11 year old Supreme Court decision that basically says the way we fund our schools, through property taxes, is unconstitutional. That means it is against the law. It's the duty of our legislators to act on this decision and they have failed to do so for 11 years. Acting on this decision will take the responsibility of school funding away from the property owner and give property tax relief to every Ohio CITIZEN. Now let's talk about the economy. Ohio's economy is in a slump. Taxes have increased college tuition has soared, wages are moving downward and spending seems to be out of control. State income taxes have increased by 7%. Ohio spending rose by 8.4%. Our property taxes have increase at more than twice the rate of inflation. Health care costs are sky rocketing and these costs are being passed on to the employee at an alarming rate. Our Governor says he has created and saved 100,000 jobs in Ohio. well we don't need more low skill, low wage jobs in Ohio. We need living wage jobs. Jobs that can support a family. We keep telling our elected officials to live within their budget and they keep over spending anyway. We need to hold these people accountable at the polls. It's time to elect a candidate that will support the people of the 54th district. Someone that doesn't owe his vote and support to some big money special interest group. someone that will put the people first. Please remember the worst politicians are elected by the very best people who do not get out and vote. |
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