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Political Philosophy for Michael Porco
Candidate for |
Hello my name is Michael Porco and I am running for City Council. My background is working with non-profits in the area of Strategic Planning, Volunteer Recruitment and Board Diversity. I have been a member of the Burbank Community Academy and currently participate in Leadership Burbank. We live in a great town with beautiful parks, a top rate police and fire department, and wonderful facilities like the Joslyn Center, for our seniors. But with current economic conditions and the unprecedented state budget crisis we have important challenges to face. My plan focuses on FAMILIES, SAFETY, and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Median household income in Burbank is about $47,500 while Median housing prices are topping $360,000. It's not hard to see that for many families owning a home is just not a reality. Many lifelong residents see their children move away from Burbank because they can't afford a home. We need to continue to focus on affordable and moderate priced housing. And we need to focus on childcare. A 1999 study showed that 2,434 Burbank infants and toddlers needed daycare, compared to only 173 available spaces. We need to increase childcare opportunities and continue to improve the quality of care. And let's not forget our seniors. Many of them rely on social security as their sole source of income and struggle with high rents and escalating health care costs. They are an important part of the Burbank family. Families also deserve a safe environment. We must continue to support our police and fire departments by upgrading technology, keeping wages competitive and funding disaster preparedness. They need the tools to keep our streets safe from violent crime and gangs and to crack down on identity and auto theft. Economic Development is vital. We need to encourage new businesses in the Village Center with a regional draw, and mixed-use properties that not only expand our tax revenue but also allow for affordable living downtown. We must keep Burbank business friendly by not raising taxes on business. I fully support the leadership of our strong Chamber of Commerce and I believe we must keep Film and Television production thriving in our city. And we must also look for ways to diversify our future businesses so we can ensure future stability. Of course, economic development must be done responsibly by maintaining our small town feel and ensuring that traffic does not get out of hand. This is why issues such as the airport have to be dealt with by listening to the concerns of Burbank residents. I humbly ask for you to vote for me, Michael Porco on Election Day. Together we can focus on affordable housing and childcare for families, strong public safety, and vibrant economic development. Thank you for your time. |
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