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Los Angeles County, CA | March 4, 2003 Election |
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Goals for MonroviaBy Mary Ann LutzCandidate for Council Member; City of Monrovia |
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There are so many reasons why I want to represent you on our City Council. I am passionate about living and working in Monrovia. The people in our community combined with the businesses and "Mayberry" feel make me so proud that I want to be a part of the future accomplishments. I believe I can combine my business expertise, humanitarian values, community commitment and leadership experience toward a vision for Monrovia that includes goals such as these: LIBRARY: I support a new building, more books, state-of-the art technology, increased hours and staffing. This will require funding and support from the entire community. EDUCATION: Even though education is not directly under the umbrella of the City Council, I believe we need a pro-active and concentrated team approach with the Board of Education and the business community. I'd like to see more joint meetings, more communication and goal setting. FOOTHILLS: We need to complete the purchase of the remaining foothill properties and protect the new wilderness preserve. DEVELOPMENT: Residential and commercial development and density is a delicate balancing act. I support new businesses that bring jobs to our community and encourage our citizens to "Shop Monrovia." I support affordable housing and preservation of our historical homes by designations and Mills Act contracts. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: The addition of our Old Town Trolley has increased mobility and the upcoming Gold Line will assist commuters, but we need to ensure all of Monrovia's transportation needs are met. The Old Town Trolley and Dial-a-Ride services need expansion Every effort must be made to get a Gold Line stop in Monrovia. I support the current plans for a transportation depot on South Myrtle to encourage public transportation. CITY SERVIES: We have one of the most effective, creative and dedicated city staffs in the state. Our police, fire, water, parks, the other departments need to be recognized and encouraged to utilize resources to even better serve the community. BRIDGING THE GAP: Our two greatest resources are the knowledge and expertise of our seniors and the energy and limitless imagination of our youth. Some of our seniors require special services such as Meals on Wheels and assistance through the Make a Difference Day; I support and assist programs to honor our seniors. As I worked to build our new skate park I will personally work towards completing the Youth Center and literacy programs. COMMUNICATION: Communication with your elected representatives and city government can always be improved upon. Because I live and work in our community I am accessible. I believe you can never OVER communicate. I will bring your concerns, comments and opinions to the forefront. I don't presume to have all the answers or have a magic wand that will make all of our concerns go away, but I promise you I will listen to you and share your concerns, ideas, and praises with the rest of the City Council and staff. A City Council is an extension of the citizens it represents and I intend to represent YOU by addressing each issue individually, and assessing the best outcome for our community. I'm a doer. I'm not afraid to jump in and pull my weight, as I do now with so many organizations and boards. My heart is in this community and so is my experience. I am asking for your vote on March 4th for City Council. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 10, 2003 20:22
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