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Measure A Annexation/Reorganization Rescue Fire Protection District Advisory Vote Only
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
Do you support the proposed annexation/reorganization of the Rescue Fire Protection District into the El Dorado Hills Fire District?
The El Dorado Hills County Water District ("EDH District") is an independent special district formed under the County Water District Law, Water Code §30000 et seq. It is authorized by state law to provide a variety of services, including fire protection, emergency medical services, sewer and garbage services and others. The EDH District currently provides only fire protection and emergency medical services, but could, in the future, provide additional services after appropriate procedures are followed. A proposal has been made to annex the Rescue District into the boundaries of the EDH District. The proposal does not specify any particular terms or conditions. Any such annexation would have to be formally submitted to, and approved by the El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission ("LAFCO") after a public hearing. The proposal may take a form that would be considered a "reorganization" under LAFCO terminology. LAFCO has the discretion to impose its own terms and conditions on an annexation. Before any specific annexation proposal becomes effective, under LAFCO statutes the annexation would be subject to a written protest procedure and possibly a confirmation vote by registered voters in the Rescue District. The Board of Directors of the Rescue District has voted to place this advisory measure on the ballot to solicit the opinion of the voters within the Rescue District on the general question of whether the voters support or oppose the proposal to annex the Rescue District into the boundaries of the EDH District. No specific terms or conditions of any possible future annexation have been established at this time. An annexation could have future ramifications on a broad range of issues, such as an increase or decrease in taxes, a change in the type or level of services provided, etc., but since the terms of an eventual annexation are not known at this time, it is impossible to describe the potential future consequences with any specificity. This ballot measure is advisory only. It merely provides public input to the Board of Directors of the Rescue District. It does not bind the Board of Directors in any position or actions it may take. Nor does it bind LAFCO in any respect with regard to its action on any future application for reorganization that may be filed. A "yes" vote advises the Rescue District Board of Directors that the voters generally support the annexation of the Rescue District into the boundaries of the EDH District. A "no" vote advises the Rescue District Board of Directors that the voters generally oppose the annexation of the Rescue District into the boundaries of the EDH District. LOUIS B. GREEN COUNTY COUNSEL
Arguments For Measure A | Arguments Against Measure A | ||
"The mission of the Rescue Fire Protection District shall be to provide the highest quality of service to the people of this community, for protection of life and property, and to ensure public health and safety."
s/Daniel J. Hinrichs Former RFPD Board Member s/Dowse Bernell Former RFPD Board Member s/Jack Fuller Former RFPD Board Member s/Gary Patten Fire Captain s/Mark Bartlett Fire Captain
RESCUE TAXPAYERS ALREADY PAY FOR A PROFESSIONAL PARAMEDIC /AMBULANCE SERVICE that is dispatched with all medical calls. Three current full-time Rescue firefighters are certified, or close to certification, as Paramedics. Proper compensation and encouragement would give Rescue a Paramedic on each shift WITHOUT ANNEXATION TO EL DORADO HILLS. RESCUE ALREADY HAS A COMPETENT "WELL RUN, WELL EQUIPPED DISTRICT". Why fix it if it's not broken? Will there be a loss of trained Rescue volunteers? Rescue pays each volunteer for training and responses; El Dorado Hills does not. How long will the Rescue volunteers continue when they don't identify with El Dorado Hills and they don't receive compensation? El Dorado Hills is BUYING support for this annexation. They promise to substantially increase the salaries of paid Rescue personnel (two of whom signed the arguments supporting Measure A) and they promise to increase staffing. They promise to give Rescue this gift with no increase in taxes. DO NOT BELIEVE IT! This is an expensive gift that will increase in costs annually. How long do you think taxes will remain low after we lose local control of our taxation to the people of El Dorado Hills? VOTE NO; PRESERVE YOUR LOCAL CONTROL OVER PROPERTY TAXES! s/Ken Humphreys s/Jack Franklin s/Keith Atwater s/Keith Hodgkin s/Les Cooney | Reasons to vote NO to annex the Rescue Fire Protection District into the El Dorado Hills Fire Department are:
NO LOWER RESPONSE TIMES OR INSURANCE RATES. NO LOCAL CONTROL ON THE FIRE BOARD AND FIRE TAX ISSUES. NO CARE FOR THE HISTORICAL RESCUE POST OFFICE BUILDING. NO RESCUE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT. NO RESCUE COMMUNITY IDENTITY. Because all members of the Board of Directors of the El Dorado Hills Fire Department are elected at large and the population of El Dorado Hills is five times the population of Rescue, the probability is that NO RESIDENT OF RESCUE WILL BE ELECTED TO THE BOARD and the probability is that RESIDENTS OF RESCUE WILL NEVER HAVE CONTROL OVER LOCAL FIRE TAXES AT THE POLLS! The Rose Springs Literary Society (RSLS) hall (Rescue Post Office building) was built in 1896 by the community and is a large part of the history of Rescue. After the Rescue Fire Protection District was formed, about 30 years ago, the property where the fire station, RSLS hall and park is located was donated to the fire district for two reasons: one, to give the fire district land to build a new fire station and secondly, to have the historical RSLS hall under the care of a sound long-term Rescue organization. ANNEXATION TO THE EL DORADO HILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR CARE OF THE HISTORICAL PART OF RESCUE! The Fire Department, Post Office, RSLS hall and park with historical markers are the heart and soul of Rescue. TO ANNEX THE HEART AND SOUL OF RESCUE INTO THE EL DORADO HILLS FIRE DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE A PROFOUND EFFECT ON THE CONTINUING IDENTITY OF RESCUE ITSELF! The political reason for the El Dorado Hills Fire Department making this annexation offer is unclear. However, it is clear THE RURAL RESIDENTS OF RESCUE DO NOT NEED TO BE INVOLVED IN EL DORADO HILLS' POLITICS! VOTE NO; PRESERVE THE RURAL COMMUNITY OF RESCUE!
s/Penny Humphreys
Please support improved public safety for our community by voting YES on Measure A. s/Kevin Mclinden Rescue Resident s/Bernell Dowse Former Rescue Fire Board Member s/Daniel Nelson Rescue Firefighter |