This information is provided by the candidate
I am running for my second four-year term on our Town Council. My wife, Lynne, and I moved
to Portola Valley in 1991. I have served 4 years on our Town Council, as a Council member and as Mayor, and 6 years on the Planning Commission, as a commissioner and as the
chairman. I was chairman of the Westridge Architectural Supervising Committee (homeowner's association) for 6 years. I am a retired electronics company executive.
I believe in a balanced approach towards preserving the environment that we so enjoy in Portola Valley. I strongly support:
- improving the safety and functions of our Town Center
- our trails and open spaces, which give our community its rural character
- fiscal conservatism in town government
- as little bureaucracy as possible
- the enforcement of our ordinances
- maintaining comity and mutual respect in all debates
- encouraging the volunteerism that has proven so valuable to our Town
Please support my candidacy.