This information is provided by the candidate
David Zeff, Ph.D. former Superintendent, Berkeley School District; Marian Mann, President, DC Host Lions Club; San Mateo Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Alice Bulos, Federal Commissioner; Marico Enriquez, President, SMC Fil-Am Democratic Club; Maxine Gonzalves, Former Mayor, Pacifica; Perla Ibarrientos, County Fundraiser and Activist; Felipe Chan, K of C, St. Anne Parish; April Vargas, Fund Development, San Mateo County Democratic Party; Mark Weinberger, President JSD Board of Trustees; Martha Bookbinder, Member JSD Board of Trustees; Mario Panoringan, Former President Daly City Planning Commission; George Hemerle, Former President, Daly City Planning Commission;
San Mateo Times, Peninsula Independent, San Francisco Examiner, Art Madlaing, Editor and Publisher, Philippine Examiner; Florencio Abude, President, Guiuananons USA.