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San Mateo County, CA | November 4, 2003 Election |
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The Right Path to a Four Year Degree/Education that evolves with our economyBy Karen Ann SchwarzCandidate for Board Member; San Mateo County Community College District |
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Transferability and Job TrainingDuring my tenure as a Trustee, Caņada College, College of San Mateo & Skyline College have consistently out-performed other community colleges in the San Francisco Bay Area with respect to combined rates of successful transfers to four-year colleges and universities and combined rates at which students complete associate degree and certificate programs.
In fact, a federal study published in 2001 revealed that our schools' transfer rates were 6% higher than the state average and the combined rates at which students either transfer or complete associate degree or certificate programs were more than 13% higher than the state average!
In order to continue our tradition of success, certain fundamentals must exist. First, basic skills classes must be available to allow students the opportunity to lay the foundation necessary to enroll in transfer-eligible course offerings. We must never prevent those looking for a fresh start from getting one. Next, ample transfer-eligible curricula must exist. I am unwavering in my demands that these courses be available to meet the demand of our student body and will not accept excuses. Finally, and probably most importantly, resources must be accessible to our students so that transfer requirements are understood, questions are answered, and each student has the opportunity to establish an individual transfer plan.
Our schools do a fantastic job preparing our students to transfer. With additional support, our rates can improve even more and we can make sure that no student is ever left behind!The Right Path to a 4 Year Degree
Providing transfer programs is just one component of our colleges. Another as important component is providing job training and worker re-training programs to the citizens of San Mateo County. We live in a geographic area that has an economy having complexity second to none. A major attribute of our economy is its ability to morph quickly. This means the ability of our workforce to nimbly adopt new skill-sets is of paramount importance.
In order to support the needs of our workforce, our community colleges must always be ready to implement new job training programs. We cannot afford to ever rest on our laurels and expect that programs initiated years ago simply will retain their value in the future. We must always move our schools forward no matter what and never allow impediments (e.g. lack of state funding) ever serve as an excuse to stop.
To implement a system of pro-activity, I have happily participated in the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors' Access to Educational Opportunities Task Force subcommittee and enjoyed working with groups in need of re-training to ensure proper training programs have been established.
New programs will constantly need to be added. As an example, I am very excited about leading an effort to bring a dental hygienists program to CSM where students will be trained in a much needed, high-income career. For more information on my dental hygienists program or ideas for other job training programs, please contact me!Education That Evolves With Our Economy |
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