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Political Philosophy for Eleanor Kellogg-Smith
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I have been a Democrat since the age of 21 and have voted in every election since then. I believe that for a Democracy to work citizens must participate so I have been active a good part of my life in local and national elections. It seems that the Democrats have provided our country with the most useful programs such as Social Security and Medicare. They have reached out to the middle class and to low income people by making education available through government aid and scholarships. I am probably towards the left as far as political philosophy is concerned. Among my idols are Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton, in spite of the latter's less than stellar personal life. I was opposed to the Iraq war because the reasons for it were never clear. Young American men have lost lives in an unnecessary war which is costing us billions of dollars. I am in agreement with Gavin Newsom's attempt to make same sex marriages legal although I know many don't agree. Some- times we have to take chances to bring about change. Even if Newsom's attempt fails, it's a first step towards bringing about a legal right to thousands of people. President Bush's attempt to amend the Constitution by making marriage between same sexes illegal is wrong and I hope won't pass. This should be a state decision. Although I have been active in many campaigns, I have concentrated on the campaigns of local women because there is a dearth of women in public office. In 1992, the year of the woman, there was a movement towards changing the makeup of the U.S. Congress so half of the members would be women by 2000. Unfortunately, this goal was not reached. We're behind some third world countries where women have become prime ministers. Although I was first supporting Dean for President, I have switched and am backing Kerry. I think he has a good chance of winning, although I worry about the "dirty tricks" the Republicans may be planning for near the end of the campaign. Going door to door for my campaign for the Democratic Central Committee I spoke to two former Republicsns who had switched to the Democratic Party because they were so disgusted with Bush. I hope this will be a national trend. If I am elected to the Central Committee, I will be active as possible in bringing about the election of John Kerry. |
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