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Measure T2004 Goleta City Council elected AT LARGE City of Goleta Largest number of affirmative votes in excess of a majority 4340 / 57.03% Yes votes ...... 3270 / 42.97% No votes
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Mar 30 3:30pm, 99.9% of Precincts Reporting (355/23) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
Shall establishment of electoral districts by Ordinance 04-01E be rejected and members of the legislative body of the City of Goleta continued to be elected AT LARGE?
(The "At Large" Option) In this election, the voters of the City of Goleta will choose the system by which future members of the Goleta City Council will be elected. Under California law, a general law City may elect members to the City Council in one of three ways. Members may be elected "by" electoral districts, "from" electoral districts or "at large." In 2001, the voters of Goleta voted to create a new city and to have future city councils elected "by districts." In order to comply with that directive, the City retained a consultant experienced in setting up electoral districts that comply with applicable law. With input from the community at public forums and meetings, several proposed district plans were reviewed. The City Council determined that the districts set forth in proposed Ordinances 04-01E and 04- 02E comply with all legal requirements should district elections be implemented. The City Council determined, however, to submit the underlying question of whether the City should elect members of the City Council, "by" or "from" districts, or "at large" to the voters to confirm or alter the decision made in the incorporation election. If approved by the voters, the "at large" option will overturn the decision of the electorate requiring establishment of a "by districts" system and will reject both Ordinances 04-01E and 04-02E and the proposed districts. Instead, the City will continue to elect members of the City Council on an "at large" basis. This is the same method by which the current City Council was elected. This means that the entire City will vote on every member of the City Council, and any member of the City Council may reside anywhere in the City. Because the terms of councilmembers are staggered, this means that those two members of the City Council who were identified as receiving the lowest number of votes at the time of the incorporation election, will stand for re-election to four year terms in 2004. Those three who were identified as having the highest number of votes at the time of the incorporation election will stand for re-election to four year terms in 2006. The election of members of the City Council will thereafter continue with two members elected in one election cycle and three in the next. Because there are three options being presented to the voters in this election, (election "by districts," election "from districts" and election "at large,") and only one system may be implemented, the "at large" option will only take effect if it receives the largest number of affirmative votes in excess of a majority cast in this election among the three options submitted to the voters. If none of the three options presented to the electorate receives a majority vote among those voting for that option, the current "at large" system will remain in effect.
s/Julie Hayward Biggs
Arguments For Measure T2004 |
No arguments were submitted in favor of or against Measure T2004
(No arguments against Measure T2004 were submitted) |