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Political Philosophy for Thomas J. "Tom" Weissmiller
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My passion to serve on the Republican Central Committee is to bring political parity to San Mateo County that is overwhelmingly represented by Democrats. A two-party system will provide checks and balances, which is healthy for all the citizens. The key to our representative form of government is to elect good leaders and watch them like a hawk. Working seven years inside the Beltway in the National Guard Bureau and Pentagon was an eye opening experience. Politics is about power and money. It boils down to two things, bills and bill-payers. A bill is put on the table and it gets authorized. Someone has to pay that bill. WE the people pay the bills. Our elected officials are playing with our pocketbooks and we have let them get out of control. Look at the financial mess we have in the State of California. Government is getting bigger and more expensive. Both parties are responsible for this problem. The trend needs to be reversed. An economy grows because of production. Government does not produce anything. It does, however, have the ability to create the atmosphere that people and businesses can prosper or plunder. Fortunately Joe and Mary American are hearty people and function well no matter what the government does or does not. Our elected leaders are heavily involved in social re-engineering that is often contrary to the will of the people. For example, in the year 2000 California voters passed Proposition 22, Sanctity of Marriage, by 61% of the vote. It passed in 52 of 58 counties. Yet each year our elected officials introduce and pass laws to "end run" the will of the people. Even worse is WE the people continue to re-elect political leaders that are aggressively pursuing legislation that is not in concert with the will of the people. My plan is to have a Republican Precinct Captain in each precinct in San Mateo County. These precinct captains will promote public awareness, interest in the community, and community spirit. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 10, 2004 09:48
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