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Political Philosophy for John Carcione
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Restore excellence in our public schools Our once-great K-12 and University systems made California the Golden State, an economic powerhouse - and they provided wide-open opportunities for children. John Carcione will lead the effort to restore public school excellence:
Access to quality health care should not be a privilege - it is a basic human right. Repeated efforts at the national level have failed. California can and must do more. John Carcione will lead the effort to provide quality, affordable healthcare for all. That's why he's been endorsed by the California Nurses Association:
As President of the West Bay Sanitary District, John has supported tough EPA standards and pollution prevention measures. In 2001 the South Bayside System Authority was awarded "Treatment Plant of the Year" by the California Water Environment Association (CWEA). John Carcione will lead the effort to protect our environment. That's why he has been endorsed by the California League of Conservation Voters:
California must shine again. Our pool of resources is unrivaled, and our workers are among the world's most skilled. Instead of selling short all our hard work (at today's prices), we should be investing in our future. John Carcione will lead the effort to improve our economy and create jobs:
John Carcione is a court-appointed Child Advocate. He has fought on the frontlines to improve the quality of life for our children, and he will bring that fight to the California State Assembly. John Carcione will stand-up for California's children:
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 28, 2004 11:53
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League of Women Voters of California Education Fund