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Vicki Lynn Johnson
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Read the answers from all candidates.
1. What can be done to ensure that California gets its fair share of federal resources?
Much of California's 30 billion dollar debt was incurred during the energy crisis. The politically appointed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) turned a blind eye to illegal price gouging by Enron and others. Federal pressure must be put on FERC so that California is fairly repaid and can renogiate energy contracts made under duress. The federal government should help finance California's debt and provide funds for job creation, healthcare and education, to stimulate California's economy. Instead federal aid in these areas is declining. Federally mandated programs like the No Child Left Behind Act should provide needed federal funding for implementation in California.
2. What are your foreign policy priorities for the United States?
The United States, as the world's superpower, must pursue peace through non-violent means. US foreign policy should rely on diplomacy, use of the United Nations for dispute resolution, and truly fair trade agreements that respect the human rights, economies and cultures of other countries. The United States is the world's largest arms manufacturer and dealer. For decades the US military has been used to enforce American foreign policy aims and American corporate interests around the world. This approach has created desperate misery, creating more enemies and potential terrorists around the world than our military forces can possibly contain. The high potential for misuse or accidental use of nuclear weapons has brought the human race to the point of extinction ,disregarded by the Pentagon which wants to develop "mini-nukes". The human and economic cost of war is too high. The United States must turn away from unilateral unjustified militarism, such as was exercised by the US in Iraq, and become a peaceful global citizen with respect for its peers.
3. What are your priorities for the federal budget?
Military spending should be drastically reduced and money instead spent on (1) domestic needs to improve lives and productivity and (2) true foreign aid, not foreign military aid. Both will benefit our national security far more than more military force abroad and reduction of our civil rights at home. Vital to our national interests are the development of alternative energy sources -- California is an obvious state to lead the way in development of these technologies. The 1.5 trillion in breaks for the rich should be rescinded.
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