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I am 40 years old , married to a Speech Therapist who has worked in San Lorenzo Schools for over twenty years. My two daughters, aged 15 and 17 have attended San Lorenzo Schools since Kindergarten. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I completed High School as well as Vocational School for Machine Trades. I worked for Ford Motor Company. After the Company downsized in 1982, I joined the U.S. Army and completed my training as an Airborne Ranger. During my 9 years in the Army I rose to the rank of Corporal and worked in the medical field. During those 9 years, I was awarded the Good Conduct Medal twice, the Army Achievement Medal twice, the Army Commendation Medal three times, and was nominated for the Bronze Star for actions during the Gulf War. In the past I have served on the Hillside School SRC (School Representative Council ) for 2 years including 1 year as Chairperson. I have served on the Strategic Planning Committee for 2 years . I have spent many years on several PTA groups to include 1 year as President of the Hillside PTA. From 1996 to 2000 I served on the San Lorenzo Unified School District Board of Education including 1 year as the Vice President/ Clerk. During that time I participated on the Sheriff's Advisory Committee as well as serving on the Council for the Prevention of Drinking and Driving. After my four years on the School Board, I was very active in the Washington Manor Music Boosters serving for 2 years as President. I am currently involved in the Arroyo High Music Boosters as well as continuing to be active in the PTA. I have had the honor of being a member of the High School Restructuring Committee over the last year and a half. During my time on the Board of Education we modernized all of our schools, increased test scores, reopened the long awaited 3 middle schools, and redrew our school boundaries. All while remaining fiscally sound. Ours is a unique community with ever changing needs, and we must continue to meet those needs. I believe that I have the experience and knowledge to help guide our district into the future. In these tough economic times we must have knowledgeable parents on our school board who have shown that they can and will make the tough decisions that must be made.