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I feel the Castro Valley Sanitary District is an example of how government can really work for the people. Since its inception in 1939, the Castro Valley Sanitary District has been committed to providing safe, efficient and cost effective wastewater and solid waste management. We have embarked upon a $26 million Wastewater treatment plant restoration project. This is the largest capital expenditure in the history of the District. To ensure a successful project, on budget, on time, the Board of Directors has directed the General Manager to spend 10 to 20% of his time at the project site, hired a construction manager and have negotiated limits to change orders to 20%of the bid price without negotiations between the Castro Valley Sanitary District and the Oro Loma Sanitary District. We recently began work on our collection system master plan that will give a clear picture of needed maintenance and upgrades based on population growth, age and condition of our collection system for the next 20 years. We are working very hard to achieve a 75% waste diversion rate by 2010. This goal for waste diversion was set by the passage of Measure D for all communities in Alameda County. My goal is for Castro Valley to be the first to reach this goal. We will do this by continuing to implement innovative waste reduction and recycling programs such as a Construction and Demolition ordinance, Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Policy for the CVSD, recycling and environmental education in all Castro Valley schools, vigorously reaching out to implement multi-family and commercial recycling.