This is an archive of a past election. See for current information. |
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Measure I South Whittier Neighborhood Schools Repair Measure South Whittier Elementary School District School Bond - 55% Approval Required 4,577 / 77.45% Yes votes ...... 1,333 / 22.55% No votes
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Nov 26 2:53pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (10/10) |
Information shown below: Arguments | Full Text | |||
To improve student safety, repair and upgrade every neighborhood school, shall the South Whittier Elementary School District upgrade fire alarm systems, install security locks, improve outdoor security lighting, upgrade classrooms to meet current standards, upgrade electrical wiring for technology, repair, construct, acquire, equip classrooms, libraries, sites and facilities, by issuing $7,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, with guaranteed annual independent financial audits, citizen oversight, and no money for administrators' salaries?
Arguments For Measure I |
The South Whittier School District has a distinguished history of providing its students with a safe learning environment and a quality education in the best facilities possible.
The Board of Trustees is asking the community to support an aggressive facility plan that continues the effort to upgrade all school facilities for our children. They deserve the finest and safest facilities we can provide. The Facts: With the approval of this bond, every school will receive the necessary repairs, safety retrofitting, and upgrades including:
A "YES" vote on Measure I continues our community's long time commitment to our children. The school board assures the community that these bonds will be issued without raising the tax rate above the historical level and that every penny will be spent wisely. Measure I funds can be used only for the work specified in the ballot, and by law, no funds can be spent on salaries. Also, an independent CPA firm will be employed to audit the funds annually. Measure I is the right way and the most effective way to continue improving the community's schools. South Whittier neighborhood schools and their students are the heart of the community. They deserve our support in providing a safe, clean and order1y educational environment. A "YES" vote on Measure I will help us continue to meet these goals. Please show your support for our children and our future. Please vote "YES" on Measure I.
(No arguments against Measure I were submitted) |
Full Text of Measure I |
The following is the full proposition presented to the voters by the South Whittier Elementary School District.
"South Whittier Neighborhood Schools Repair Measure . To improve student safety, repair and upgrade every neighborhood school, shall the South Whittier Elementary School District upgrade fire alarm systems, install security locks, improve outdoor security lighting, upgrade classrooms to meet current standards, upgrade electrical wiring for technology, repair, construct, acquire, equip classrooms, libraries, sites and facilities, by issuing $7,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, with guaranteed annual independent financial audits, citizen oversight, and no money for administrators' salaries?" The Board of Trustees of the South Whittier Elementary School District has evaluated the safety, class size reduction, and information technology needs in developing the scope of school facility projects to be funded. The Board has further prioritized key health and safety needs so that the most critical needs at each school within the District are addressed. The projects were identified with the input of teachers, school site staff, community members and local business leaders. PROJECTS Carmela Elementary School
Fiscal Accountability: The expenditure of bond money on these projects are subject to stringent financial accountability requirements. Performance and financial audits will be performed annually, and all bond expenditures will be monitored by an independent Citizens' Oversight Committee to ensure that funds are spent as promised and specified. No Administrator Salaries. Proceeds from the sale of the bonds authorized by this proposition shall be used only for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, and not for any other purpose, including teacher and administrator salaries and other operating expenses. By law, all funds can only be spent on repair and improvement projects. |