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Full Biography for Larry L. Russell
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LARRY L. RUSSELL, Ph.D. 415-435-4075 (home) 415-435-4849 (fax) 415-385-7700 (cell) (Email) EDUCATION Ph.D., Sanitary Engineering with minors in Hydrology and Chemistry UniversityREGISTRATION Civil Engineer in CaliforniaPATENTS U.S. Patent No. 5,336,398 Water Treatment AREAS OF EXPERTISE Applied environmental chemistry and engineering as related to concerns in air, water, soil with special emphasis surface and ground water hydrology, storm water runoff, pollutant fate and behavior in ground water, and hazardous material management and regulations. I have a substantial background in water conservation as applied to industry, commercial, residential, and public water usage. Extensive applied hydrology and hydrogeology project experience including the evaluation of over 100 ground water site cleanups throughout the United States. Recent projects have involved the evaluation of surface and ground water hydrology at several large land disposal facilities in the southern San Joaquin valley area with flows on the order of 10 mgd. These projects have involved extensive evaluation of salt loading and the impact of the land disposal systems on the ground water resources of the area. These evaluations have been ongoing since 1990, and have resulted in substantial modification and/or reduction in ground water monitoring requirements for the dischargers. In addition to these evaluations, numerous smaller scale evaluations have been prepared for ground water contamination evaluations at petroleum facilities on the east and west coasts of the U.S. Pro Bono Environmental Activities My previous pro bono environmental projects involved working with Mike Lozeau on matters in San Francisco and at the Stauffer Chemical Plant in Richmond, and extensive Clean Water Act litigation throughout the State of California ranging from the control of acid mine drainage at over 50 sites to the enforcement of violations of NPDES discharge permits with Alan Beaven, prior to his death on September 11, 2001. Current environmental projects include the following: RRWPC, Northern California River Watch v. City of Santa Rosa - United States District Court, Northern District of California Case No: C 00 2185 MJJ This case dealt with the illegal discharges of treated sewage caused by over irrigation. I examined the City's irrigation system and the lands used for irrigation and opined that the City's irrigation fields were poorly designed and operated resulting in illegal discharges from the fields to the Laguna de Santa Rosa and Russian River contributing to the nutrient impairment and basis for its 303(d) listing. My analysis lead directly to a settlement where by the City agreed to remedy the problems. Northern California River Watch v. City of Healdsburg - United States District Court for the Northern District of California No. C 01-04686 WHA [also see published case at 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 1008] My testimony was pivotal to wining this case. I was also instrumental in settling out with Syar Industries in the same case. Northern California River Watch v. Ultramar, Inc., Tesero West Coast Company - Northern District of California Case No: C 03 4201 SI This case dealt with an UST proximate to San Ramon Creek in San Ramon. My suggestions for studies and testing were adopted including sensitive receptor site survey and testing; conduit and preferential pathway studies and testing; and, studies to determine if San Ramon Creek was either affected or endangered by the plume. Currently I am working with River Watch on a number of important environmental case including: limiting the destruction of salmonid habitat by improper in-stream gravel mining Dr. Larry L. Russell (continued) practices; extending Clean Water Act protection to water bodies which do not share a surface connection, but are hydrologically connected to a source of pollution such as occurs with landfills; helping accelerate the clean up of UST sites in Northern California; eliminating sources of pollution to the Laguna de Santa Rosa and Russian River that contribute to their 303(d) listed impairment for nutrients. I am also a part of River Watch's technical advisory committee. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE President - RUSSELL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT(REED) CORPORATION - a small highChairman - Aqua Resources, Inc. - Responsible for technical management of industrial projects Vice President - James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers - Manager of Industrial/Hazardous Waste ORGANIZATIONS AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATIONPublications Books and Thesis Water Treatment - Principles and Design , 1985 .James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc.Chemical Aspects of Ground Water Recharge with Treated Wastewater Doctoral Thesis, NovemberEPA Process Control Manual for Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities USEPAWater Recycling in the Food Processing Industry Office of Water Research Department of the Interior Water Recycling in California's Food Processing Industry Courses Taught Phase Separation for Hazardous Materials - University of California Extension - Davis, CA - ongoing Chemistry of Hazardous Materials - University of California Extension - Berkeley, CA Written and delivered over 30 Technical Articles |
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