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Marin County, CA | November 2, 2004 Election |
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Position of Dr. Larry L. Russell - candidate for Director MMWDBy Larry L. RussellCandidate for Director; Marin Municipal Water District; District 5 |
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CONSERVATION FIRST - closing the gap between supply and demand with conservationMy name is Larry Russell and I have lived in Tiburon since 1992. My wife Grace Livingston is a Trustee of the REED Union School District. I have gained over 30 years of experience in water quality management as a licensed professional engineer, since I earned my doctorate in civil/environmental engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. I have also provided substantial expert environmental advice, on a pro bono basis to environmental groups throughout the west. As examples of this pro bono work, I am currently evaluating the ground water quality at the Redwood Landfill and the performance of the sewer system in Yosemite National Park. Engineers are trained to do the most with the least - the least cost, the least environmental impact, and the least risk to the public. As I follow in my father's footsteps - a water engineer for 30 years at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, I have learned these tenets. Now I am working with my son to help him learn them as he begins his studies in civil/environmental engineering at Berkeley. As my ballot statement says "water runs in our veins". WHY ME? I am very pleased with the status of my professional career, and am now ready to turn my attention to helping with the concerns of our fragile water supply. As a result of the drought prone area that we live in our water supply is volatile. The cost of our water supply is subject to increasing rates due to drought. Growing up with the concerns of the Los Angeles water supply, combined with my 25 years of professional experience since earning my doctorate, I have developed substantial expertise in water management to the point that my friends often call me Dr. Water. There are two sides of the water story in southern Marin - Demand and Supply. At this time, DEMAND FOR WATER EXCEEDS OUR WATER SUPPLY by 10%. I believe in demand control, and I am confident that we can reduce our demand through CONSERVATION. Rather continuing to reach out to the Russian River or other water sources with their respective environmental concerns, each of us can address our demand issues at our homes through CONSERVATION FIRST - IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. We can reduce our water demand by 20% according to MMWD reports with ET controllers. We don't drink water when the clock strikes a certain time - we drink when we are thirsty - ET controllers tell us when our plants are thirsty and let't them drink.
CONSERVATION IS THE KEY - WASTE NOT WANT NOT It is important to realize that water boards are unique in the public domain, as our health and quality of life depend upon the Board making the right decisions - all of the time. One needs to speak the language of water and have a passion for water quality to do the job that is required to protect our health. I speak the language of water, I have the passion for water quality, I understand the issues facing us, and I have a solid practical business mind. My experience enables me to report to the board on the first day ready for action with no learning curve - I have an excellent reputation with the regulatory agencies and the environmental community, and with other members of the water community. The MMWD Board must function as a governance team, where each member plays a key position. My position would be to bring needed technical expertise to the standing board. My platform is as follows: 1) CONSERVATION FIRST - MATCHING WATER DEMAND TO WATER SUPPLY THROUGH CONSERVATION My goal is to be the best MMWD Board member that I can be. The only people that I will be lobbying for are the rate payers of MMWD. And finally, I want to emphasize that just because one has the financial resources to pay large water bills, does not give them the right to use excessive amounts of water. To date, I have not sought endorsements from politicians. However, I am endorsed by the Marin IJ, Richard Hill, the incumbent Director of Division V, Marin Dean Democratic Committee, the WateReuse Association, the Dean of Engineering at Berkeley, a past president of the American Water Works Association., and Marin environmental advocates, Jerry Riessen, David Weinsoff and Jack Silver among others. WASTE NOT WANT NOT - IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT |
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