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Orange County, CA | November 2, 2004 Election |
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Campaign StatementBy William J. "Bill" DaltonCandidate for Mayor; City of Garden Grove |
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My wife Sandy and I have lived in Garden Grove for 37 years. We have raised our six children here and have been active in our schools, church and community. Our children and grandchildren live in Garden Grove. I love our City and want to make this the best and safest place for all our residents - for you, for your children, for your grandchildren. I served as a police officer in Garden Grove for more than 25 years, earning numerous awards and citations, including the Medal of Valor, the highest award given to a police officer. When you elected me to the City Council in 1998, I retired as a Garden Grove Police Lieutenant in order to devote my energy to making our City a better and safer place. Among my qualifications for Mayor are the following: B.A. (Administration of Justice), California State University, Fullerton I believe that the people, not special interests, should be our first priority. I worked to restore public comments to the televised portion of City Council meetings. I was personally involved in the implementation of community policing which dramatically reduced crime in our city. I have been a strong advocate for increasing the number of police officers. Working with community leaders in West Garden Grove, I led the effort to construct the freeway sound walls. I worked with neighborhood leaders in Central Garden Grove to reduce excessive density in new housing. I have fought to control city expenses. I have broad experience as a community leader, including:
Chairman, West Orange County Water Board We need Responsible Redevelopment. Ask the question, "If we redevelop an area, is there an immediate benefit to the residents of Garden Grove?" If the answer is no, then it is not responsible redevelopment. Redevelopment efforts must benefit the people, not just the developers. Because of my stand on "Responsible Redevelopment," working with residents of East Garden Grove, I helped convince city officials to back down on their plan to use eminent domain to take hundreds of homes for an amusement park. My fellow city council members, Mark Rosen and Van Tran, endorse me for Mayor. My home phone number is (714) 539-1592. I welcome your comments - and your vote. |
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