Served as the second-in-charge of the office and assisted in creating such noteworthy programs as:
1. Diverse hiring
2. Family Justice Center (
3. Neighborhood Prosecution in Downtown San Diego, Mid City, Beaches, Barrio
4. Establishment of the Civil Enforcement Unit which has collected over $3 million dollars since its inception
5. Establishment of a Public Works Litigation Team which has recovered over $10 million dollars since it's inception and reduced the need for outside counsel
6. Established Community Courts in Downtown San Diego and Mid City
7. Nationally recognized Consumer and Environmental Unit
8. Graffiti regulation and Illegal Street Racing enforcement
9. A Civil Trial Unit which has prevailed in 82% of jury trials in the last 2 years and 100% this year
10. Teen Court
11. "For Kid's Sake" + Truancy offenders
12. DART (Drug Abatement Response Team)