This information is provided by the candidate
My Political Philosophy: I am a bipartisan candidate for Mayor. If I attach myself to any part of partisan politics I will violate my trust with the people who vote me into the mayors office. One running for mayor should be able to reach accross lines to accompolish what is needed for the citizen's of the city. In the past it was difficult to understand the motive of a city mayor by the things they did. As we have seen in the past, much power came to the mayors by aligning themselves with the power party. Or, commonly know as town fathers. We try to understand the reason why anyone would want to run for Mayor. There is little money paid to small town mayors of 2,000 to 100,000 population. So what would be the incentive? For me to make sure that the city is not bending to special interest. The mayors must discuss matters with attorneys who get paid hundreds of dollars per hour, representing special interest agendas. But those agendas are essential to the best interest of the town. The one elected has to hold off, when he or she feels it's not in the best interest of the community. This is called being a visionary, hind sight is 20 20 when it's to late. So what does all this mean? Are you a liberal if you want many things for the city or are you a conservative if you don't? There is no answer that comes to mind, only that you are a public servant if you get elected.