This information is provided by the candidate
Medea Benjamin..............Global Exchange & Code Pink
Jo Chamberlain................2002 candidate for State Assembly
Barbara Lubin..................Middle East Children's Alliance
Max Bollock....................Peace Action of San Mateo
Don Bechler.....................Health Care for All
Vishu Lingappa, M.D.......Health Care for All
Krista Farey, M.D............Health Care for All
Paul Perkovic..................Montara Water & Sanitary District
Karl Kramer....................Drop Lantos Not Bombs
George Johnson...............Veterans For Peace
Paul George.....................Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
Samina Faheem Sundas.....American Muslim Voice
Kristen Labersten.............S.F. Corporate Personhood
Carlos Petroni.................Frontlines Publications
Gerry Gras.....................California Green Party Co Chair
Dennis Peron..................Medical Marijuana
Irving Boxerbaum............Save Our Coast
Jeffrey Shurtleff...............Amnesty International
Mike Maloney...............2002 Republican Congressional Candidate
San Francisco Peace and Freedom Party