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Measure A Continuation of School Parcel Tax Tahoe Truckee Unified School District 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | ||||
Shall Tahoe Truckee Unified School District continue to collect $98/year per taxable parcel for seven years, with citizen oversight and exemptions for taxpayers aged 65 and older for classroom supplies, materials, lower 4th-8th grade class size, increased core academic class offerings in middle and high schools, vocational education, music, computers, technology support, physical education, playground and field maintenance, nursing, bus replacement fund, elementary school counseling and librarians?
SPECIAL TAX CONTINUANCE AND INCREASEThe Tahoe Truckee Unified School District proposes to levy a parcel tax of $98.00 per year on each parcel located within the boundaries of the District. Currently all parcels in the district are levied a parcel tax of $80.00 per parcel which was approved by the voters in 2001 and will terminate by operation of law in July 2005. The District proposes that this expiring parcel tax be extended for an additional seven-year period ending in July of the year 2012 as well as increased to $98.00 per parcel. The district proposes to use the funds raised by this special tax to pay for various programs as described in the ballot measure, as the district has found that the state funding alone does not provide sufficient revenues to provide quality education for children in the district. Implementation costs pertaining to the proposed programs will be subject to approval by the Citizens Review Committee, and a senior citizen's exemption from the tax will be available to parcel owners 65 and older. The continuation and increase in this special tax, which would be imposed upon the passage of this measure, would be an annual tax upon parcels of property commencing with the 2005-2006 tax year. The special tax would continue to be collected in the same manner as the county collects ad valorem taxes. Measure A must receive approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the voters voting upon the measure to be considered approved by the voters. Reference is made to Tahoe Truckee Unified School District Resolution No. 8-04/05 for complete terms of this measure. A "yes" vote on Measure A means that each parcel located within the boundaries of the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District will be taxed at a rate of $98.00 per year for the 7 year period ending in the year 2012. A "no" vote on the Measure A parcel tax means that the parcel tax will NOT be increased to $98.00 per year and extended to 2012. s/ LOUIS B. GREEN County Counsel
Arguments For Measure A | Arguments Against Measure A |
California ranks below the national average in educational funding, placing in the bottom third of all states. Due to California's on-going budget crisis, educational funding has decreased significantly over the past three years in several key academic areas. As a result, many districts have been forced to eliminate all but the most basic programs. Without adequate state funding, we must look locally to bridge the gap. In the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District, Measure A is the difference between inadequate schools and providing a quality education for our students. Measure A has supported our local school district for sixteen years. In order to maintain and enhance the programs essential to our students' education, we must renew Measure A. Each parcel would be assessed $98 per year, to support the following programs:
Measure A is necessary to provide a well-rounded, quality education for the children of our district and is essential for maintaining a strong, vibrant, safe community. Please join parents, teachers, community leaders and senior citizens and vote YES on Measure A.
s/ Erika L. Murphy
Tahoe Truckee Educational Association (TTEA) President
| No arguments against this measure have been submitted.
Full Text of Measure A |
COUNTIES OF EL DORADO, NEVADA AND PLACER WHEREAS, the California State Legislature has not provided adequate and necessary funding for the continued operation of certain programs and services of the schools of Tahoe Truckee Unified School District (Tahoe Truckee High, North Tahoe High, Sierra High, North Tahoe Middle, Alder Creek Middle, Tahoe Lake Elementary, Creekside Magnet, Kings Beach Elementary, Truckee Elementary, Glenshire Elementary, Donner Trail Elementary and Coldstream Alternative School); and WHEREAS, the State does not provide sufficient revenues to maintain quality education within the District and reliance on State funding alone will result in the loss of critical education programs; and WHEREAS, this Board believes that the special Measure A tax currently being levied should be adjusted and continued to maintain enhanced educational opportunities for the students of this district; and WHEREAS, a thorough and developed public education program delivers many long-lasting benefits and advantages to all of the residents of our community; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education (Board) of the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District (District) is authorized to order special tax elections, after notice and hearing, pursuant to Government Code Section 50079; and WHEREAS, this Resolution was presented at a duly noticed regular board meeting pursuant to Education Code Section 35144 and Government Code Section 54956 with notice having been given and with opportunity for public comment having been provided; and WHEREAS, Section 4 of this Article XIIIA of California Constitution provides that special districts, by a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of such district, may impose special taxes, and WHEREAS, Section 4 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution provides that the appropriations limit of any entity of government may be changed by the electors of such entity, for a period of up to four years from the date of the vote making such change; and WHEREAS, the Board and Measure A Citizen's Review Committee has concluded that the present revenues of the District are inadequate to meet the expenses of: CLASSROOM SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: The continued provision of instructional supplies, books, equipment and programs needed to allow the district to continue to fund at a level that keeps each school site in line with state curriculum standards. WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board, following notice and public hearing, it is advisable to seek to provide funding for all or part of these special purposes by means of a uniform flat rate parcel tax which includes an exemption from taxes for taxpayers 65 years of age or older who choose to apply for the exemption, as permitted by Government Code Section 50079 (b); and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board, it is advisable to order the Placer County Superintendent of Schools and the El Dorado, Nevada and Placer Counties Registrar of the Voters to call and conduct an election on the questions of: whether the District shall levy a special tax within the District for a period of seven years, for the purposes of raising additional revenue for specific purposes for the District; and WHEREAS, Resolution #11-03/04 is hereby rescinded.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Education of the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: CLASSROOM SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: The continued provision of instructional supplies, books, equipment and programs needed to allow the district to continue to fund at a level that keeps each school site in line with state curriculum standards.9. For a parcel owner age 65 or older to be entitled to a Senior Citizens Exemption from the special tax, such a parcel owner, as such owner is shown on the latest current assessment roll, shall submit proof of entitlement to an exemption from the special tax, in a manner satisfactory to the District, proving such parcel is owned individually or in common with others. Partnerships, corporations, trusts, and other entities shall not be entitled to an exemption. The Board, in consultation with the county assessors, shall adopt, after public hearing, further rules and regulations governing the within exemption. 10. The form of the proposition shall read as follows: MEASURE A(Continuation of Special Tax for the Tahoe Truckee Unified School District) Shall Tahoe Truckee Unified School District continue to collect $98/year per taxable parcel for seven years, with citizen oversight and exemptions for taxpayers aged 65 and older for classroom supplies, materials, lower 4th-8th grade class size, increased core academic class offerings in middle and high schools, vocational education, music, computers, technology support, physical education, playground and field maintenance, nursing, bus replacement fund, elementary school counseling and librarians? 11. Prior to levying either part or all of the special tax in any given year, the Board will conduct a public hearing on the matter. Notice of the time, date, and place of hearing shall be published pursuant to Government Code Section 6066 at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation in the District, and posted commencing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. Following said hearing each year, the Board shall adopt a resolution establishing the amount of tax to be raised for that year and the rate per parcel, up to $98.00. Any tax levied shall become a lien upon the properties against which taxes are assessed and collectible as herein provided. The Board shall consider any reports submitted by the Measure A Citizen's Review Committee concerning levying the special tax. 12. It is not intended that the collection of the special tax provided for herein decrease the funds available from other sources of the District for any period from the effective date hereof. In the event that it does, the District shall cease to levy said special tax. 13. Pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIIIA and Section 4 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 50077, the special tax shall become effective only upon the approval of twothirds of the votes cast by the voters voting on the proposition. 14. The County Superintendent of Schools of the Counties of El Dorado, Nevada, and Placer and the County Clerks and/or Registrars of Voters of El Dorado, Nevada, and Placer Counties are hereby requested to take all necessary steps to call and hold the election in their respective counties in accordance with the law. 15. The District is situated in El Dorado, Placer, and Nevada Counties. Pursuant to Education Code Section 5303 and for the purposes of this election, Placer County is the county, which, by mutual agreement, shall perform the duties of conduction the election. The Clerk of Placer County is hereby authorized to provide, at District expense, all necessary election services that shall include, but not be limited to: