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I believe that all South Pasadena residents want these "basics":
- Streets, sidewalks, water and sewer systems, trees and landscaping maintained in good working order;
- An open, cooperative relationship between the city and our public schools that ensures excellent educational opportunity and resultant high property values;
- City leadership that is courteous and cost-efficient, mindful of the city's limited budget while accomplishing the priorities of residents and business owners;
- A positive approach to problem solving, and an end to knee-jerk/ill advised litigation and its exorbitant fees to work out differences of opinion;
- Equal distribution of services for South Pasadena neighborhoods;
- Local business growth encouraged according to the downtown revitalization plan;
- Residential growth managed per the approved general plan;
- Expanded space and services at the Library and Senior Center;
- Continuing the fight against the 710 Freeway.