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Measure G Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax Old Adobe Union School District Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required
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Index of all Measures |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | ||||
To keep school libraries open, to restore programs for struggling readers, to restore an enriching music program, and to support small class sizes, shall the Old Adobe Union School District be authorized to levy an annual parcel tax of $75 for four years, beginning July 1, 2005, with public review by a citizens' oversight committee, offering exemption to parcels owned and occupied by persons 65 years of age or more?
This measure proposes a special tax of $75.00 per year per parcel for each parcel of land within the District's boundaries. The tax would be based on the privilege of using the parcel, would begin on July 1, 2005, and would remain in effect for no more than four years. Proceeds of the tax would be placed in a special fund and could only be used for the purposes set out in the measure, which include providing intensive reading instruction, keeping school libraries open, maintaining smaller class sizes when possible, and providing a music enrichment program. Each year, beginning with the year ending December 31, 2006, the measure requires the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer of the District to have an independent auditor prepare a report, stating the amount received and expended from the tax for that year, and the status of any projects, and description of any programs, funded from the proceeds of the tax. The tax would be applied to each unit of real property in the District that receives a separate tax bill for property taxes. Parcels which are exempt from property tax, or on which no property tax is otherwise levied, are also exempt from this tax. The measure also exempts from the tax parcels owned or partially owned and occupied by a person who will be 65 years of age or older on or before May 1, 2005, or May 1 of any subsequent year for which the tax is assessed. Persons claiming exemptions based on ownership by a senior citizen would need to apply to the District for this exemption the first year it applied to them. The measure describes what steps must be followed to appeal any decision regarding exemption, and apply for a refund of the tax, if appropriate. If two-thirds of the voters in the Old Adobe Union School District who vote on this measure vote "yes," the measure will pass and the special tax will be levied. The tax would be collected in the same manner as regular property taxes starting with the 2005-2006 fiscal year.
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Arguments For Measure G |
Measure G will afford all students better opportunities to learn to read.
Measure G will allow the schools of the Old Adobe Union School District to reinstate special reading support programs, providing focused instruction to more individual students, especially those children most at risk. Measure G will ensure that the schools will keep their libraries open; an important component of a strong literacy program and another factor in developing positive reading skills and habits for all students. Measure G will reinstate an enriching music program including instrumental music instruction. There are clear indications that children who learn to read and play music show academic gains beyond their peer group. Students who study music in elementary school are more likely to continue their musical training by participating in the quality programs available in the upper grades and on into adulthood. Measure G also provides support for smaller class sizes. Smaller class size allows teachers to spend more time with individual students offering more personalized attention and instruction to each. Measure G comes with financial safeguards! A Citizens' Oversight Committee will conduct regular public audits to make sure that Measure G dollars are used appropriately. None of the money raised by Measure G will be spent on administrative costs. Every Measure G dollar will go to the students by directly supporting libraries, music instruction, reading assistance and keeping class sizes small. Senior citizens aged 65 and above may exempt themselves from Measure G. Please join classroom teachers, police officers, business owners, retirees, parents, and community leaders in voting Yes on Measure G. Measure G is a local solution to the statewide problem of limited education funding. Measure G will help maintain excellence in the Old Adobe Union School District and give our children the quality education that has benefited past generations and that they need to succeed, today.
s/ Elaine Boling
(No arguments against Measure G were submitted) |
Full Text of Measure G |
This Proposition may be known and referred to as the "Old Adobe Union School District Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax" or as "Measure G."
TERMS OF EXCELLENCE IN SCHOOLS ACT OF 2005 TAX Terms and Purposes. Upon approval of two-thirds of those voting on this measure, the District shall be authorized to levy a qualified special tax of $75 per year on each parcel of taxable real property in the District for no more than four years, commencing July 1, 2005. The qualified special tax shall be known and referred to as the "Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax." To the extent such funds are available, proceeds of the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax shall be authorized to provide intensive reading instruction, to keep school libraries open, to maintain smaller class sizes when possible, and to provide an enriching music program. Senior Citizen Exemption. In order to provide tax relief to senior citizens in the community, any parcel owned and occupied by a person 65 years of age or older shall be exempt from the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax upon proper application to the District. Anyone claiming an exemption must apply to the District on or before May 1, 2005 or May 1 of any succeeding assessment year. Any one application from a qualified applicant will provide an exemption for the parcel for the remaining term of the assessment so long as such applicant continues to qualify for the exemption.
ACCOUNTABILITY PROVISIONS Independent Annual Audit. Upon the levy and collection of the Excellence inSchoolsAct of 2005 Tax, theBoard of Trustees shall cause an account to be established for deposit of the proceeds. For so long as any proceeds of the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax remain unexpended, the Superintendent or chief financial officer of the District shall cause an independent financial auditor to prepare a report to be filed with the Board of Education and the Community Oversight Committee no later than December 31 of each year, commencing December 31, 2005, stating (1) the amount of Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax received and expended in such year, and (2) the status of any projects or description of any programs funded from proceeds of the tax. The reportmay relate to the calendar year, fiscal year, or other appropriate annual period, as the Superintendent shall determine, andmay be incorporated into or filedwith the annual budget, audit, or other appropriate routine report to theBoard of Trustees. Citizens' Oversight Committee. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Citizens' Oversight Committee which shall, on an annual basis, review both the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Budget and the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Independent Audit. Specific Purposes. All of the purposes named in the measure shall constitute the specific purposes of the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax, and proceeds of the tax shall be applied only for such purposes.
LEVY AND COLLECTION The Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax shall be collected by the Sonoma County Treasurer-Tax Collector at the same time and manner and shall be subject to the same penalties as ad valorem property taxes collected by the Treasurer-Tax Collector. Unpaid taxes shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes until paid. The collection of the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax shall not decrease the funds available from other sources of the District in any period from the effective date hereof. "Parcel of taxable real property" shall be defined as any unit of real property in the District which receives a separate tax bill for ad valorem property taxes from the Sonoma County Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office. All property which is otherwise exempt from or on which are levied no ad valorem property taxes in any year shall also be exempt from the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax in such year. Parcels owned and occupied by persons 65 years of age or older are exempt from the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax as described above. The District shall annually provide a list of parcels which the District has approved for a Senior Citizen Exemption from the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax as described above to the Sonoma County tax collection officials. The Sonoma County Assessor's determination of exemption or relief for any reason other than the Senior Exemption of any parcel from taxation shall be final and binding for the purposes of the Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax. Taxpayers wishing to challenge the County Assessor's determination must do so under the procedures for correcting a misclassification of property pursuant to Section 4876.5 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code or other applicable procedures. Taxpayers seeking a refund of Excellence in Schools Act of 2005 Tax paid shall follow the procedures applicable to property tax refunds pursuant to the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
SEVERABILITY The Board of Trustees hereby declares, and the voters by approving this measure concur, that every section and part of this measure has independent value, and the Board of Trustees and the voters would have adopted each provision hereof regardless of every other provision hereof. Upon approval of this measure by the voters, should any part be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, all remaining parts hereof shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent allowed by law. Sonoma |