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Santa Clara County, CA | June 7, 2005 Election |
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DHILLON ON BALLOT, VOWS "CAMPAIGN WORTHY OF COMMUNITY"By Bob DhillonCandidate for Council Member; City of San Jose; Council District 7 |
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DHILLON ON BALLOT, VOWS "CAMPAIGN WORTHY OF COMMUNITY" Bob Dhillon, San Jose Planning Commissioner, businessman and community leader, has been certified as a write-in candidate for San Jose City Council District 7. Dhillon said he decided to take the extraordinary step of becoming a write-in candidate because the District needs someone who understands the city and can provide leadership from day one. As a San Jose Planning Commissioner, Dhillon is the only candidate for District 7 who has held a leadership position in the city. He has also served on a number of city committees, and has served on a broad cross section of school, neighborhood business and community organizations. In his first act as an official candidate, Dhillon released a signed copy of the Campaign Code of Conduct that he has pledged to uphold, and said he will distribute copies of the Code to other candidates in the hope that they will join him in elevating the level of campaigning in San Jose. "As a candidate for City Council in 2002, I saw first-hand what bad campaigns can do to a community. Our community deserves candidates who have demonstrated their dedication to place the needs of our community first. That dedication starts with a clean campaign." Dhillon said he will focus on his extensive community experience, which includes two terms on the San Jose Planning Commission and over twenty years of active service in local community organizations including United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County, San Jose Community Action and Pride (CAP) Grants Committee, the McLaughlin Corridor Neighborhood Association, and many other civic, religious,educational and business organizations. "My focus, as a Planning Commissioner and community volunteer, has always been on the local community," said Dhillon. "I will continue that focus as a City Councilmember, and will use my broad base of exprience and community involvement to make sure our neighborhoods receive the services they deserve." |
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