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State of Ohio (Adams, Brown, Clermont, Pike, Hamilton, Warren, Scioto Counties) | June 14, 2005 Election |
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I support our troops and remaining in Iraq to train the IraqisBy Eric MinamyerCandidate for United States Representative; District 2; Republican Party |
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The Enquirer distorted my position by editing out crucial statements. I support withdrawal as soon as possible but only after the Iraqis can defend themselves, which is essentially the President's stated goal as well. Instead of saying "I will support the President" I give details of my views based upon my experience. These misquotes prove why you cannot be thoughtful and reflective in answering a reporter's questions.My submission read as follows: 3. If you are elected to the U.S. House, what are the top three issues you would hope to concentrate on? Again, I disagree with your premise. As a member of Congress I will devote my attention to all the issues facing America today. The nation itself, as well as national or world events, determines which issues require attention. Three important issues at this time are National Defense, Social Security Reform and Economic Growth. National Defense. I am a veteran of the Iraqi War, serving as Inspector General in the theater, a command position as the representative of the commander and the Secretary of the Navy. I support our troops and what we have done so far. I will never abandon our troops, but we need to start to prepare for our withdrawal. We have accomplished a free election in Iraq. Once the Iraqi forces can defend their government, we should pull out. This seems closer every day as evinced by the recent operations in Baghdad. We were right to enter Iraq, search for WMDs and oust Saddam. We ensured free elections and we are training their police and armed forces so they can protect themselves. Only the Iraqis can bring democracy to Iraq. Even the majority of the Iraqis want us to leave sooner rather than later. Our long-term relations with other Middle East nations require our withdrawal. We should not permanently garrison Iraq. Social Security Reform. First, we must keep faith with those who have contributed over a lifetime and protect their rights and benefits. Social Security is pay-as-you-go. Under no circumstances should benefits be cut for those receiving them today. Privatization will deplete the fund even more and, if done at all, must be done gradually. I am also concerned about inflation from a sudden influx of stock purchasing without a corresponding true growth in the economy. Gradual privatization would allow the economy to grow with new investment in the economy rather than just inflated stock prices. Despite the best predictions, individuals' investments over forty years could fail, resulting in elderly indigent for society to support through other programs. Economic Growth. I support reducing tax rates to improve the economy. Most new jobs are created by small business so we must protect small business from excessive regulation. Control of our dependence on foreign oil and lower energy costs will also create jobs. Negotiation of fair trade agreement, especially for agricultural goods will help Ohio's farmers and businesses. Improving highways in the eastern counties of the second district will lead to job development. Unleashing the American people has always been the surest way to economic growth. Ironically, lower tax rates, as Ronald Reagan, did can increase government revenues by stimulating economic growth. On another occassion I wrote to the Enquirer: Name: Eric Minamyer Age: (DOB, if possible) 51, June 26, 1953 Residence: Symmes Township Occupation: Attorney, Retired Naval Officer, Inspector General Education: (School, year graduated, degree)
BA History 1975 University of Akron Political experience: Indian Hill School Board 1989-1995 Great Oaks School Board 1989-1995 Has the Iraq war been worth the price? Why? Yes, I am proud of what my fellow service members and I have accomplished. We assured the safety of the US, deposed a vile dictator and brought democracy to Iraq. We will now train their army and police force so we can withdraw. How would you describe your stance on abortion? I am pro-life. I am 100% for life from conception to natural death. Do you support a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage? I support a Protection of Marriage Amendment that declares that marriage is between one man and one woman. Will you vote to make the Bush tax cuts permanent? Yes. Further, I would support further reductions and a Balanced Budget Amendment. Why are you the best candidate? I live a life of service to my community and country. I fought the war on terrorism and now I will fight for you in Washington. I served as one of the highest ranking officers in the 178,000-strong Navy Central Command. I am the only military veteran running as a Republican. I have 16 years experience as a local elected official, balancing 16 annual budgets. I am the only police officer/safety services candidate. I have investigated billions of dollars of fraud, waste and abuse in the federal and state governments. |
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