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Eric Minamyer
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The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Ohio and asked of all candidates for this office.
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).Questions & Answers
1. What are your qualifications for office?
16 years elected office experience, School Board and Township TrusteeI am the only veteran in the Republican primary with five deployments to the war on terrorism since 9/11. 3 years in uniform; retired Nov 2004 after returning from the Middle East in late 2003.
Senior officer with direct reporting to the Navy Inspector General and the Secretary of the Navy. Navy Captain, which is the same as a Colonel in the Army.
Hamilton County Special Deputy, former prosecutor, former chief inspector for the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, former Inspector General for major Navy commands including Central Command in the Middle East responsible for oversight of billions of dollars and 178,000 sailors and marines.
Attorney since 1979 with an advanced law degree in labor law from Georgetown University.
Former Congressional Aide to Chuck Whalen of Ohio.
2. What do you see as the three most pressing issues you would address if elected? What plans do you have relative to those issues?
National Defense and Homeland Security: I will support our troops 100%. We need to quickly train the Iraqi police and army so we do not have to garrison Iraq. We should strengthen our border defenses by using military resources given our war on terrorism.Please note that the Enquirer edited my responses in the June 5 paper and distorted my position. My complete submissions are in the position papers herein just as I sent them in. There was sufficient space to include all my remarks. I was a senior officer in Iraqi Freedom and support what we are doing.
Social Security: I will keep faith with those who paid into the system for a lifetime. I will oppose any reduction in benefits. See further answer below.
Lower Taxes and Balanced Budget: Again see further remarks below. In my 16 years of elected office I have produced 16 balanced budgeets. We need a balanced budget amendment to keep Congress under control. I will support making the tax cut permanent. I will fight to repeal the marriage penalty.
3. How would you address the federal deficit?
Control of spending, especially by advancing the Balanced Budget Amendment. The sooner we can successfully turn over military operations in Iraq to the Iraqis the sooner we can return military spending to peacetime amounts. I do want to ensure readiness, however.As Inspector General/Chief Inspector I investigated and uncovered fraud, waste and abuse in both military and social programs.
4. What should be the federal government's role with respect to health care?
The current programs under Medicaid and Medicare are the principle federal programs. We need to tighten up the monitoring of these program to eliminate fraud, waste and abuse. When cheaters steal from these programs they are taking benefits from the truly deserving and needy.The government should support ethical research. I oppose embrionic stem cell research. I also oppose human cloning.
I oppose federal funding of abortion. In fact, I am 100% pro-life.
5. What plans do you have to promote a more balanced transportation system?
Having traveled extensively as a naval officer, I know how valuable rapid mass transit is. I will support such systems, especially highspeed rail, which I believe will not only improve transportation, but can help keep the environment clean and rduce our dependence on foreign oil.The American people still want to use the automobile as their principle means of commuting to/from work. In the long-term we need mass transit that is reliable and safe. We must start setting up these systems now due to the length of time and the cost of such transportation systems. I prefer to gradually build such a system starting now rather than be in the position in the future of needing it, but not being able to do it fast enough if at all due to costs.
We need to increase security on all means of transportation as a matter of national defense.
6. In October 2005, select provisions of the USA Patriot Act are scheduled to sunset. Do you support a renewal of these provisions and/or an expansion of the Patriot Act? Why?
The Patriot Act should be renewed. We are still very much in danger and we cannot let down our guard.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League. Ohio Supreme Court Justice: Total words for the answer to the question may not exceed 50 words. The word limit must be observed. Words over the limit will be cut off in published information.U.S. Senate: Total words in answer to the question may not exceed 100 words. The word limit must be observeds. Words over the limit will be cut off in published information.
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: June 7, 2005 10:59
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