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Orange County, CA | October 4, 2005 Election |
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Key Issues:By Edward A. SuppeCandidate for United States Representative; District 48 |
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1) Homeland Security: All citizens in the 48th District should turn on their computers, go to their favorite search engine and type in Nagasaki. What happened to Nagasaki can happen to Southern California if we do not get serious about checking Container Ships. 2) Abortion: I am pro life and pro Roe v. Wade. Making abortion illegal will not end abortions. Roe v. Wade stays! Women can now terminate a pregnancy using a pill so technology has made the Roe v. Wade argument obsolete. 3) Border: We do not need additional Border Patrol Personnel if we have a Guest Worker Program. Once we have a Security Based Guest Worker program only criminals will be crossing the border illegally. They will be easy to find using technology and our fine men and women of our Border Patrol. 4) Education Reform: Good parents equal good students. We need to do a better job of preparing our young people to be parents. In schools with good parents the children do well. Let's stop blaming teachers for problems they did not create! 5) Unions: I am pro union and a former union member. Unions play a vital role in our economy by training our workers. Union leaders need our support and respect. 6) Environment: We need to build an additional inlet to the sea in Newport Harbor. With only one inlet there is not enough natural flushing. With an additional inlet the tides will quickly flush contaminants from Newport Harbor using the power of Mother Nature. 7) Business: The Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 should be repealed! In a global economy such legislation is making the USA non-competitive. 8) Taxes: We need a simplified flat tax code. |
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