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Measure Q Incorporation Proposed City of El Dorado Hills Initiative regarding Incorporation as city - Majority Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Jan 28 2:40pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (21/21) |
Information shown below: Yes/No Meaning | Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | |||||
Shall members of the City Council of the City of El Dorado Hills be elected in future elections at-large or by district?
"At Large" means that all voters within the new City would be eligible to vote for all candidates, regardless of the residence location of the candidate or the voter. "By District" means that the City would be divided geographically into five (5) districts with approximately equal numbers of voters in each district. Each candidate for City Council would need to run for a specific district council seat within the City and would be required to be a resident of that district. The registered voters within each district could only vote for one of the candidates running for that district council seat. Please vote for one of the two methods of election of future city councils. The vote on this Measure Q shall only be effective if Measure P, the incorporation of the City, passes.
Arguments For Measure Q | Arguments Against Measure Q |
Vote for "at large" elections on Measure Q in order to vote for the broadest
range of City Council candidates in subsequent elections if El Dorado Hills
incorporates. At large means you can vote for up to five candidates,
regardless of where you and the candidates reside in the City of El Dorado
Hills. This approach ensures that City Council members act in the best
interests of the whole community, not special interests.
We vigorously oppose voting "by district," which would limit voter choice. It would divide our new city into five, comparably sized districts. In each district, voters could vote only for one candidate running for that district seat. Both voters and candidates would face significant limitations under this system. Typically, only large cities, like the City of Sacramento, elect their council members by district. Virtually all other cities in Sacramento, Placer, and El Dorado Counties elect their council members at large. At large voting will give El Dorado Hills voters more choice and will make City Council members accountable to the entire community, not to the special interests of a given district. Under this system, City Council seats will be non-partisan, and therefore will not fall under political pressures for "districting" in the future. We urge you to vote for at large voting, which will result in more choice, more accountability and more integrity for our new city.
s/ Harry Norris
| No argument against Measure Q was submitted
Full Text of Measure Q |
(Full text of this measure is shared with Measure P) |