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Humboldt County, CA | November 8, 2005 Election |
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A Progressive Approach to the BudgetBy Shane BrintonCandidate for Governing Board Member; Northern Humboldt Union High School District |
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Big-shot politicians are slashing the education budget... what can we do?Everybody knows that our schools are in trouble. Often times politicians make funding and policy decisions in Washington and Sacramento without considering the disasters they could create at the local level. Now they're pushing Proposition 76 which would effectively cut school funding by more than $4 billion every year - that's $600 per student! The bottom line: if 76 passes there are going to be more cutbacks and teacher layoffs all across the state, and Humboldt County is going to be affected just like everywhere else. Whoever is elected in this school board race, regardless of political positions or affiliations, is going to be facing some tough heartbreaking decisions if 76 passes. So... the first thing we have to do is defeat Proposition 76 on November 8th! If however 76 does pass, we need a school board that is going to be ready to explore every option before cuts are made. FIRST: Teachers need to be consulted. If teachers could potentially be laid off or face cuts in salary or benefits, they need to be the first ones to have a say in the decision making process. Discussions will need to take place. Creative solutions will need to be found by working with teachers and their union. Finally... whether or not 76 passes, our schools are in trouble. While fighting against funding cuts, we also have to be ready to provide the best possible education, regardless of the political climate. If elected I will push for the creation of a foundation specifically designed to assist in funding our schools. Such a foundation would seek out additional sources of funding to help the district meet costs. My proposal would include a set of strict guidelines to assure that funding be directed toward the needs of the district. No strings attached. No corporate advertising deals. No school wide "Coca-Cola Day." It is absolutely essential that we address these issues now, before it's too late. Public education is the cornerstone of our democratic system. We can't afford to let it slip away. I am confident that a progressive approach to issues of funding and budget management will keep our district on track so that we can continue to provide a high quality education to Humboldt's students. |
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