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My husband, Charlie, and I chose Humboldt County for our home over 35 years ago. We raised our children here and have been working members of the community.
My husband and I own Herbelin Mediation and Counseling Services. I received my mediation training at HSU's Institute for Alternative Dispute Resolution and the CR paralegal course as well as specialized conferences. I have specialized in public policy and family law mediation.
I am employed by the USDA Statistical Services gathering information for state and federal agriculture policy.
Currently I serve as the Chair of the Humboldt Bay Watershed Advisory Committee (HBWAC), a broad based stakeholder group formed to develop a Salmonid and steelhead habitat restoration plan for the upper watershed and that continues working for implementation of the plan.
In 2002, as the plan was nearing completion HBWAC realized the need to address the fishes needs within the estuary and formed The Humboldt Bay Stewards. As coordinator of The Humboldt Bay Stewards I worked to address those issues through community consensus building on issues that impact fisheries habitat in the Bay. This year The Stewards presented a series of forums on the oceanographic, biology and economics. They are also working to bring an estuarine institute to our Bay.
Over the years I have served as a board member of the League of Women Voters, Humboldt Women For
Shelter, Soroptimist International of Humboldt Bay, Humboldt Mediation Services, the Humboldt Bay Watershed Advisory Committee and The Humboldt Bay Stewards.
I am a member of the Farm Bureau, the Humboldt Yacht Club, Soroptimist International of Humboldt Bay, the Scientific Advisory Committee for Estuarine Restoration and produce "Through The Eyes Of women" on KHSU.
Charlie and I have a small sailboat on Humboldt Bay. I garden, raise goats and keep bees. I am Master Gardener and a cheesemaker.