This information is provided by the candidate
Parent School Volunteer
- Classroom volunteer Chaparral Elementary 1977 + 79
- El Roble Band Booster member and president 1984 -86, 1993 - 97
- Classroom Volunteer Sumner Elementary 1988 - 93
- PFA president, Sumner Elementary 1992-93
- PFA Central Council president 1993-94
- Sumner School Site Council member and chair 1988 -92,
- CHS Band Booster 1986 + 91, 1995 + 2001
- CHS Diving & Swim Team Booster 1997 - 2001
- CHS Curriculum Committee 1997 - 99
- 2004 Budget Advisory Committee, CUSD
Community Volunteer
- Founding President Pomona Valley Meals on Wheels 1972 - 75
- Board Member Pomona Valley Meals on Wheels 1972 + 75
- Board Member Claremont Meals On Wheels 1985 - 88
- Volunteer Claremont Meals on Wheels 1984 + 93
- Leadership Team Marriage Preparation, Los Angeles Archdiocese 1972 +79, 1984 - 94
Professional Responsibilities
- Categorical Programs Coordinator, Sumner Elementary 1994 + 2005
- Sumner Elementary School Site Council, ex-officio 2000 - 05
BA, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada