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Dr. Jeff Froke is a career wildlife and wilderness ecologist who for more than 30 years has designed, studied and managed nature sanctuaries and conservation science programs throughout California, the United States, and tropical America. Jeff is a graduate of Humboldt State University (B.S., M.S.) and the University of California / Los Angeles (Ph.D.), and he is a Life Fellow in Advanced Environmental Studies at Harvard University. For more than a decade, Jeff was a senior manager responsible for National Audubon Society's nationwide wildlife refuge program. After Audubon and his residence at Harvard, Jeff served as President of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History in New York. Jeff is a partner in the Santa Lucia Preserve, formerly Rancho San Carlos; and until recently was President of Santa Lucia Conservancy, a nonprofit that he co-founded in 1995 and that is responsible for long-term stewardship of the protected 18,000 acres of the Preserve. Today, Jeff consults to private landowners and governments who are committed to the meaningful integration of nature conservation and land development. For example, he serves as an advisor on bird population management and restoration to the counties of Los Angeles and Ventura, and the City of San Juan Capistrano. Since 1984, Jeff has developed a special expertise in the field of golf course ecology, studying the special impacts and promises of golf development to native wildlfe communities. He counsels and trains nonprofits and industry leaders in creative approaches that minimize negative impacts and maximize both the habitat restoration and research potential of golf course development and operations. Jeff and his wife Martha have lived in Pebble Beach for 14 years. There, in addition to the Community Services District he serves as a trustee of the Del Monte Forest Foundation and is a naturalist-member of the Pebble Beach Open Space Advisory Committee.