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I have worked for Pomona, La Verne and Ontario police departments performing everything from dispatch to patrol captain in 42 years. I have a lifetime teachers credential and have taught in high school and college. During my last few years on the job most of my time was devoted to the prevention of violence on school campuse This was accomplished through lectures, conferences and meetings with victims. I assisted in the creation of a video describing the causes of violence in schools. Working with Chaffey College, we are putting together such a seminar for county-wide administrators. Because of various programs I have been involved in, I have been on the Today show and featured in Womens Day and Glamour magazines. Although I am retired, I believe it is important to stay involved with my community. I sit on the Board of directors of Travelers Aid, West End Family counselling, the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, LEO, my church and two professional organizations. When I ran for Chaffey Board the first time, my daughter was in college. I felt I could help other students by making Chaffey accessible and vocationally current. Chaffey is an outstanding campus with an outstanding faculty. I am proud to have served the last four years and would be proud to continue.