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1. A new Amtrak stop in Gilroy to allow for the expansion of tourism related jobs and travel opportunities for Gilroy students and seniors at Amtrak everyday 50% fares. Daily trains pass through Gilroy to LA and Seattle, yet neither stops here. Our station is staffed with Amtrak under contract to CALTRAIN to run our station. We could bring AMTRAK to Gilroy with no new taxes.
2. A new Biotechnology campus in Gilroy to increase well paying job prospects for our citizens. Such a campus could be paid for without increasing taxes via a public/private partnership with developers.
3. A plan to pay for enhanced public safety and new safe city sidewalks without cutting other city services, raiding other city funds, nor raising any taxes for Gilroy voters.
4. A plan to institute smart growth that does not expand our city unwisely.
5. A plan to create more solar power to remediate Gilroy's air quality.