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I believe that all members of the community should participate in the education of our children. This can be done in various ways. Participating in youth activities and programs such as AYSO, Little League, swim club, outside music and art programs, the public library and Children's Theater. However, the most important contribution which most people make to children is by supporting their education through public schools. It is public education which makes it possible for each child to become a productive and active citizen in a democracy. For that reason, all of us, whether we have children in public schools or not, must consider it our responsibility to support our local schools. We owe it to our children. We owe it to our community.
It is with this in mind that I am a candidate for the Los Altos Elementary School Board. The people of our School District, by and large, have met this challenge. We have developed an outstanding program run by dedicated staff. We have supported our schools through passing a parcel tax which supplements money we receive from the State and by contributing to the Los Altos Educational Foundation. We must continue to support out children's education in all of the above ways.